Forum Discussion

NathanNieman's avatar
10 years ago

Running out of drive space DB is huge.

Ever week I have to clean up the logs. which give me about 11 GB to keep everything moving.


This is a windows server master/media, and also has OPcenter running on it.

Server 2008 R2 standard SP1


Drive space is 278GB and I am down to 9.43GB.  Yesterday I had it at 11GB.  



Will be upgrading once all out 2000 servers are turned off.


I look at the DB Folder in Netbackup "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db"

and it is 207GB in size..


Is there a way to clean this up?  Or better yet move it to a different drive?


What about moving the log files to a differet drive.


Any help, suggestions etc would be great.  Thank you.



  • This is a windows server master/media, and also has OPcenter running on it.

    This is a BIG NO-NO!!!

    OpsCenter must be installed on a separate server. It can be a VM.

    "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db" .. is 207GB in size..

    Pretty normal for a medium-sized NBU environment.

    Images folder should be taking up most space. Image catalog size is determined by amount of files being backed up and retention levels.

    See Estimating catalog space requirements in Chapter 17 of  NBU Admin Guide I  to calculate expected catalog size and how to manage/maintain this.

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  • This is a windows server master/media, and also has OPcenter running on it.

    This is a BIG NO-NO!!!

    OpsCenter must be installed on a separate server. It can be a VM.

    "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db" .. is 207GB in size..

    Pretty normal for a medium-sized NBU environment.

    Images folder should be taking up most space. Image catalog size is determined by amount of files being backed up and retention levels.

    See Estimating catalog space requirements in Chapter 17 of  NBU Admin Guide I  to calculate expected catalog size and how to manage/maintain this.

  • Are you running regular full hot catalog backups?

    And are they successful?

  • Before proceding with anything determine exactly where space is utilised then you can deal with the situation in its entirey. As a guess I would say you have 70G of extras but that covers any number of pieces of data. You can relocate your logs, its documented and will enhance performance if they are on separate drives to the rest of NB, but it might be wiser to follow the catalog sizing and fixing your issue once only.

    The log change can be done in advance with a rapid switchover. Jim

  • Ok i will remove, and move OPcenter.

    Catalogs are NBU_Catalog policy and run fine.


    Issue is we have a ton of servers that are set to never expire "Which I am guessing is the issue" This is per our legal dept.


    I will look at moving the logs, and OpCenter.  I have a VM I can stick it on. and read more of the admin guide.


    Thank you.

  • Infinity retention will most surely cause your image catalog to keep on growing. Chapter 17 will also tell you how to move image catalog to a new volume.
  • Ok question.  Once we archive this data will it still show up when we search for backups?  Say I archive anything over 2 years.  I need a backup from over 3 years ago.  Will Netbackup still know where it is and I just have to restore the file?



  • All the backups previously taken with infinity retention will stay in NBU catalogs and can be restored at any point in time.
    • mwrandall's avatar
      Level 2
      Shouldn't, in full disclosure, you mention that you can expire the data in your NBU, and keep the tapes, then perform Phase 1 and Phase 2 Import from the tapes to be able to restore again? We have our tapes labeled, and expire the data, but have a few older one, which every once in a while (maybe every other year) we have to go through the process to import and restore data from something that old. We know what set we want and that's enough.
      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        mwrandall wrote:
        Shouldn't, in full disclosure, you mention that you can expire the data in your NBU, and keep the tapes, then perform Phase 1 and Phase 2 Import from the tapes to be able to restore again? 

        Certainly NOT the way to deal with long retentions.
        It may work for you, but definately not recommended.

        Images infornation should stay in NBU catalog until they naturally expire.
        NBU Admin Guide I contains various recommendations on how to deal with large catalogs.