Forum Discussion

nackros's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

How to best backup SharePoint 2013 with 2008R2 SQL and VMware?


My customer´s environment is this:

- One server(2012) with SharePoint 2013 server(only one server in the farm)

- One server(2012) with MS SQL 2008R2(all sharepoint databases are here. this server also handles lots of other databases)

All servers are virtual using VMware.

The Backup Exec 2014 server(2008R2) is a physical standalone machine.


I need to backup everything, preferable using VMware Agent with GRT. The plan in to run Full backups of everything once a month, and incrementals daily.

One of the problem I have is that almost every Sharepoint Farm backups fail with the following errer: "Final error: 0xe0000363 - The Backup Exec SQL Agent was not used to create the last full, differential, or log backup of this database. You must use the SQL Agent to run a full backup before you can run a differential backup or transaction log backup."

Ofcourse I only backup with BE, nothin else. I interpret the message above as I do a VMware GRT backup of the database server first, the following backup using Sharepoint agent complains.


I would like to know what the best practises is to backup with a scenario like this?

I´m getting confused and suspect that I backup both the sharepoint anvironment and the sql environment twice which is stupid.

Some questions I have in my head are: Should I backup the SQL server using VMware Agent with SQL GRT? Since I want to restore individual databases other that Sharepoint. Or should I backup without GRT and do a backup using the SQL agent and select only the non-sharepoint databases?

And Should I do the same for the SharePoint server or not? Or what about backup the "farm" since that seems to backup databases too?


Please help me how I should set this up the best way.





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