Forum Discussion

Magnusvr's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

How to migrate backups from tape to disk?



I'm fairly new to BE and have been tasked to find a solution for a customer. To make it simple I'll remove all the details and ins and outs.

Here's the Question:


Is there a way to migrade backup data from tapes to disk, ie moving data from DAT tapes to a Backup-to-disk folder?

I have setup a lab to simulate this, but the only way I can find is if I restore the data from tapes to a disk, and then back that data up to disk storage.

This is no fun when we are talking about 150 VM's and large amounts of data, with backups ranging 10 years back, which we have to save with a yearly resolution. That's 1500 manual restores/backups right there. :)

I was hoping that the Duplication-function would do the trick, but that seems to only work with the same type of media, tape-to-tape, not beeing able to do tape-to-disk.

The environment is BE2010 R3, but can be upgraded if needed to.

Thanks in advance,

Magnus, Sweden

2 Replies

  • Hi Sush,


    thanks, turns out I was on the right track and you confirmed it for me. 

    I was unable to select the disk as storage one the CASO-server, but on the MMS server I could do it.

    Now trying to figure out how to share the D2D folder between the two servers.