Forum Discussion

dl2rcf's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago


Hi there,

I have a question, too.


In another closed thread on the same topic, it reads the following:


updates the media information in the Backup Exec database.

A Catalog job will definitivly update the database in /Catalogs folder. So which database is updated by an "Inventory". The same one in the /Catalogs folder or another?

What is the difference between "Inventory" and "Initialize" regarding a tape robot, since "Initialize" will let the robot check tape labels as well?


In our robot, somehow tapes went "Offline" (don't know why, they are still inside).

Can I use "Inventory" to get them "Online" again, or do I have to "Catalog" them. (Do a Catalog job will definitely bring tapes online again, "Initialize robot" won't...tested

  • Backup Exec Database in the Backup Exec / Data folder. However, it is not recommended to manually access it or make any changed.

    "Media location - offline" - This means that the Tape are not there in the Robotic Library. If you are sure that they are perform an Inventory in Backup Exec. Even after the inventory is performed if the Tape shows Offline, then it is not present in the RL.

    Go to the Devices tab and confirm from the slots as to what tapes are present in the RL.

    Also, Have you confirmed this yet?

    "Ensure from the Windows Device Manager that the Tape drives are using Symantec Drivers and the Medium changer is using Microsoft Drivers"

6 Replies

  • Inventory is to identify the media to BE.  For example, if you just place a tape in the tape drive, BE does not know that the tape is there and what tape it is.  When you do an inventory, BE will know that tape 123456 is in the tape drive.

    Catalog is to read the media and identify the backup set on it and the contents of the backup set.  After you have catalog a media, BE will know that it has the backup from xx/xxx/xx and it backed up Server 1 and files yyyy.

    When an offline tape is placed in a tape library/drive, you do an inventory or scan to recognise the tape and BE will make it online again. You don't have to catalog the tape if you have not deleted the tape from BE.

  • Backup Exec maintains the device and media information in its database. Inventory, would identify the tapes in the slots and update the database with label information. Catalog would read the data from the tape and add that information to the catalogs folder and also make a corresponding entry in the BEDB for every Media.

    When you say, "Offline" does it show that way in Backup Exec or does it show in the RL panel.

    If it is in BE, check if the RL is supported as per HCL and is configured properly. Also, have you connected the RL using a SCSI adapter (Not a SCSI / RAID). Ensure from the Windows Device Manager that the Tape drives are using Symantec Drivers and the Medium changer is using Microsoft Drivers. Are you getting any event ID 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 regarding the RL or the Adapter.

    If the Tapes show offline in the RL panel, it is more a hardware issue and better if you have your hardware vendor take a look.


  • Inventory, would identify the tapes in the slots and update the database with label information.

    Where is that database located on the computer? Within /Catalogs folder? or only in RAM?


    When you say, "Offline" does it show that way in Backup Exec or does it show in the RL panel.

    Hmmm, what is an RL panel?

    Some (spurious ?) tapes showed offline in the "Media" tab of BE2010 (Media location - offline). Cataloging them could bring them online again without a problem...

  • Backup Exec Database in the Backup Exec / Data folder. However, it is not recommended to manually access it or make any changed.

    "Media location - offline" - This means that the Tape are not there in the Robotic Library. If you are sure that they are perform an Inventory in Backup Exec. Even after the inventory is performed if the Tape shows Offline, then it is not present in the RL.

    Go to the Devices tab and confirm from the slots as to what tapes are present in the RL.

    Also, Have you confirmed this yet?

    "Ensure from the Windows Device Manager that the Tape drives are using Symantec Drivers and the Medium changer is using Microsoft Drivers"

  • Go to the Devices tab and confirm from the slots as to what tapes are present in the RL.

    Those "disobedient" tapes were present within the "Devices" tab in their slots at all times. They only decided for themselves to show up under "offline" media location in the "Media" tab...but as I said, the problem could be solved with "Catalog" on those tapes...and I am sure, that You are right: You could do this with "Inventory" as well


    Backup Exec Database in the Backup Exec / Data folder. However, it is not recommended to manually access it or make any changed.

    I won't do that. Just to understand, how BE works...thanks!