Forum Discussion

Rob_Podsy's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

Is There a way to backup to a single external drive for each day of the week?

Hi everyone,

I just had my corporate office send me a 2TB hard drive that they want me to back 2 different servers up to.

The old configuration was as follows.

1st server every Monday and Wednesday.

2 Sever Tuesdays and Thursday.


Then Weekly backups for Both machines on Friday.


My question is this, I have tried the Backup to Disk Folder option and have created all the folders I would need.

When I run my back up it just sits in a queued status and then I have to cancel the job. Says that it was looking to load the media?

We used to run Tape backups but that system went down.


I have been able to do one back up with the Removable Backup to Disk Folder option. The problem is this. It will over write all the data the next backup. It also just dumps it all into one folder.


I am Running 10.1 Rev 5629


Please help.

The only solution I can think of is to buy more hard drives and manually swap them out every day like some people are doing.

7 Replies

  • V10.1 is very old and out of support, so I would suggest getting approval for an upgrade to 2010 R2 or the upcoming 2012

     {edit}  make that R3, sorry {/end edit}

    To your problem

    If you have only one hard drive, and have the space available, you should be able to do what you desire

    Create a standard B2D folder (Removeable B2D is for devices where the chassis stays connected and media are swapped out like Jazz or RDX drives

    Create one or more media sets with zn OPP (Overwrite protectiuon )as desired  For instance if you want to keep daily data for one week, create a DAILY media set with a 6 day OPP.  DO  NOT use append for disk based jobs

    Don't worry about creating multiple folders.  Just let Backup Exec manage the BKF files. 

  • Better you go for BE 2010 R3, 2012 is in evaluation mode i believe, if you upgrade to R3 please do not forget to run live update multipule times and update the remote agents accordingly.

    your existing license will work.

    other suggestion above are up to the mark...

  • How would his existing lic key for ver 10d work with 2010 or with any other version for that matter ?

  • How do I stop it from Appending? I only get the option in media set to infinite- allow append or daily hourly

    Append is set to Append period NONE and infinite -Allow Append.

    Can this be changed?

  • I have creaded the B2D and then use all devices when trying to run my backup. I have created my media sets. My job just gets held device pause. It doesnt matter if I choose the B2D folder as the device it still does the same thing. Is there a trick to getting it to see my device?