Issue with Exchange Server 2016 and BE 21 Remote Agent
We upgraded to BE21 and applied the BE21 Remote Agent to our Exchange 2016 CU16. After server reboot the server had a lot of issues (poor performance, services will not start properly or with an extreme delay), causing Exchange not working properly. When we remove BE21 Remote Agent, everything is working fine again. The issues happen also when BE21 Remote Agent is installed but the services of BE are set to Disabled, so it seems the issues are caused by some stuff installed with BE21 Remote Agent.
Previously we used BE16 Remote Agent on this server and it worked without any issues.
Anyone else expierenced such issues after installing BE21 Remote Agent, especially on Exchange servers? Any tips how to solve that issue?
Thank you
Yes, we tried it but the issue was the same. In the meantime we received a reply from Veritas support and it seems that this is a known issue. They recommended disabling the anti-ransomware feature or to use the Remote Agent of BE 20.6. We tried it directly with the BE 20.6 Remote Agent and it worked.