Forum Discussion

flahr's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Logon account that was provided does not have the appropriate privileges to back up the SQL database

Recently I upgrade BackExec 2010 to 2012, updated remote agents etc... and I created all  "new" jobs and started from scratch. I have 3 servers running Win2008 with MSSQL and two of them are backing up fine,  but I am having problems with one particular server (Win2008 with MSSQL). Testing creditionals work fine, I use the System Logon Account. I have changed the creditionals to domain admins, I even used the SA logon account for access the MSSQL server and it always fails with the below errors.

I have done the following:

In SQL Server Management Server I made sure that the logon account used for backing up SQL database exists there. Made sure the Logon account was in the Sysadmin Role.

Test Run Errors (only a partial list of the errors):

Device       : 3f4c28a6-a36c-4622-980c-f541f10538d3, DICOMSERVER\MSSQLSERVER
Check status : Error: e0009b84, The job failed with the following error: 
The logon account that was provided does not have the appropriate privileges to back up the SQL database . Either assign the appropriate privileges to this logon account, or use another logon account.

Device       : 3F4C28A6-A36C-4622-980C-F541F10538D3, \\DICOMSERVER\C:
Check status : Error: e0009b84, The job failed with the following error: 
The logon account that was provided does not have the appropriate privileges to back up the SQL database . Either assign the appropriate privileges to this logon account, or use another logon account.

Job Alert Errors (only a partial list of the errors):

Job ended: Friday, May 09, 2014 at 12:36:32 AM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0008443 - One or more SQL Database consistency checks have failed.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33859
V-79-57344-65088 - WARNING: The DBCC NEWALLOC command requires SA rights.  The consistency check cannot be completed.

User 'guest' does not have permission to run DBCC checkdb for database 'msdb'.

V-79-57344-65088 - WARNING: The DBCC NEWALLOC command requires SA rights.  The consistency check cannot be completed.

User 'public' does not have permission to run DBCC checkdb for database 'PRA_DICOM'.

V-79-57344-65088 - WARNING: The DBCC NEWALLOC command requires SA rights.  The consistency check cannot be completed.

User 'public' does not have permission to run DBCC checkdb for database 'PSC_DICOM'.




Database \model was not found, or could not be accessed.


Click an exception below to locate it in the job log

V-79-57344-5891 - The object was not found, or could not be accessed (MS SQL backup). The item DICOMSERVER\MSSQLSERVER\model in use - skipped.


13 Replies

  • Hi,


    if you post within minutes of a previous post, it's probably better to just edit that post to keep things neater.


  • Yes, this is the only DB that it skips, otherwise the backup is fine. I will check the event logs for that db and SQLVDI or VSS.

    Ran CHECKDB on Model, no problems found



    There were SQLVDI errors just prior to executing the job, but not during nor any sense.


    CAPI2 Errors though during the backup:

    Cryptographic Services failed while processing the OnIdentity() call in the System Writer Object.

    AddCoreCsiFiles : BeginFileEnumeration() failed.

    System Error:
    Access is denied.


    Sorry about posting separately twice, I was having problems posting here. When I added info to a post and selected SAVE, the post would disappear. Especially if I cut/paste from BackUp Exec logs.

  • Consider updating SQL 2008 with SP3 & also re-register SQLVDI at the SQL server.