Forum Discussion

zaggin's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Lotus Notes NLO Backup

Guten Tag,

kann mir jemand sagen ob es möglich wäre eine Lotus Notes Sicherung (Mail Datenbanken mit NLO Files - DAOS..) durchzuführen während der Domino Server (Task) NICHT läuft.

LG Zaggin

  • It's not mandatory to have Domino Server/service running in order to take backup or do restore.

    Further, the Domino Agent never starts or stops Domino service. If the Domino service is not running, it just initializes Domino runtime in its space. This process is not visible to the end user.

6 Replies

  • It is not a good idea to run Domino housekeeping jobs, like fix, compact, etc, when a backup job is running.  It will either slow down or fail the job.

  • Hi and thx for Reply!

    But i want to know if its possible to make a Notes Mail Database Backup (with DAOS / NLO Files) while the Domino Server (Task) is NOT running?

  • I don't think so because BE calls Domino to do the actual backup.  I have never tried it because my Domino service needs to be up all the time, hence the need for the Domino agent.  If you can shutdown the Domino service during a backup, you can save yourself some money by not buying the Domino agent.  I am presuming that your question is in relation to the Domino agent.  If you don't have the Domino agent and wants to shutdown Domino and backup the files, you need to turn off AFE.  Otherwise, the files are automatically excluded from any backup by AFE.  See this document

  • zaggin, yes, it is possible to backup a Notes Mail Database (with DAOS / NLO Files) while the Domino Server is not running. The Domino agent sets up the Domino runtime when intreacting with Domino Server even if it is down.

  • So the Domino Service must run or if not the Domino agent starts the Domino Service?

  • It's not mandatory to have Domino Server/service running in order to take backup or do restore.

    Further, the Domino Agent never starts or stops Domino service. If the Domino service is not running, it just initializes Domino runtime in its space. This process is not visible to the end user.