Forum Discussion

Artegic's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Manual eject reports Backup Exec job engine system service not responding

Backup Exec 2012 SP4 on Windows 2008 R2 driving a Tandberg T24 LTO5 library and a standalone LTO5 drive.

Whenever I eject a tape from the standalone drive from the Backup Exec console via right click on the drive - "eject now", I get the attached error message.

Translation: "Eject drive 00008 -- The job failed with the following error: The Backup Exec job engine system service not responding."

The job log contains:

Fehler : e000810f - Vorgang des Wechslers der physischen Datenträger vom Benutzer abgebrochen.

Translation: "Error : e000810f - Process of the changer of the physical media aborted by the user."

But everything seems to work fine. The tape is ejected, subsequent tapes are accepted, all services are running, the Windows event log contains no errors or warnings beyond the event 34113/Backup Exec echoing the error above, later jobs run without a problem (except those they always have), nothing seems wrong.

When a tape is ejected during a backup run because it is full, or at the end of a backup job because the "eject after completion" option is set, there's no such complaint.

What is that message trying to tell me? Should I just click OK and forget it?

  • I don't have access to a test machine with a tape drive now, though would you pls try this ~

    Using BEUtility.exe (typically located at \Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec directory), highlight All Media Servers and then right-click on your media server and choose Edit Configuration. Set Media Remove to Yes/No.

    Then from the UI - Configuration & Settings, choose Alerts  & Notifications and then choose Configure Alert Categories. Highlight Media Remove alert and uncheck the option to automatically clear the alert. (OR set the option to automatically clear after 10 mins giving you sufficient time to manually respond to the alert)

    From the UI - Configuration & Settings, choose Backup Exec settings and then Preferences. Ensure the option to automatically display new alerts is enabled.

    Try to manually eject the tape and once the tape is removed, respond OK to the media remove alert nd check if the error message appears or not.


5 Replies

  • Firstly: You don't eject from a library, you export.

    Eject is a functaion of a stand alone tape drive (only holds 1 tape at a time)

    Libraries (multiple tape devices) automatically take the tape out of drives (at end of job) and return them to storage slots. Export jobs then remove them from the storage slots and pass them to the improt/export slot(mailslot) so that the tapes can be removed.


    If you have a tape stuck in a drive within a library and no backup/restre/utility jobs are active (and even after a power down and re-initialize of the library it is still stuck)  than it is a hardware problem (i.e. tape jammed in drive)  and you will need to get an engineer in to look at the library.


    EDIT: With regards your stand alone tape - when you send the eject job does the tape actually eject?



  • If you choose to manually eject and if there is a "Media Remove" alert which has not been responded to, then it is expected to receive the job engine service is not responding message.

  • It seems my problem description was not clear enough. Let me clarify:

    • The problem occurs with my standalone drive, not with the library.
    • I mentioned the library only in case its existence might affect the problem. (I have already been told once by a Symantec support engineer that having both a library and a standalone drive is an "unusual configuration".)
    • By "manually eject", I did not mean pushing the eject button on the drive, but issuing the "eject now" command on the drive in the Backup Exec console.
    • The tape is ejected alright.
    • There was no active alert at the time I issued the eject command.
    • A "remove tape and hit ok" type media alert did appear after the tape was ejected. It disappeared by itself when I pulled the tape from the drive. (Or more precisely, in the time interval while I walked to the drive, pulled out the tape, and walked back to my keyboard.)
    • Only afterwards the eject job completed with the error, and the error message appeared in the Active Warning Messages display.

    Under these circumstances, is that message an expected one? Can it be avoided, fixed, ignored?

  • I don't have access to a test machine with a tape drive now, though would you pls try this ~

    Using BEUtility.exe (typically located at \Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec directory), highlight All Media Servers and then right-click on your media server and choose Edit Configuration. Set Media Remove to Yes/No.

    Then from the UI - Configuration & Settings, choose Alerts  & Notifications and then choose Configure Alert Categories. Highlight Media Remove alert and uncheck the option to automatically clear the alert. (OR set the option to automatically clear after 10 mins giving you sufficient time to manually respond to the alert)

    From the UI - Configuration & Settings, choose Backup Exec settings and then Preferences. Ensure the option to automatically display new alerts is enabled.

    Try to manually eject the tape and once the tape is removed, respond OK to the media remove alert nd check if the error message appears or not.


  • Thanks for your reply. I have set the option for "Media Remove" in BEUtility to Yes/OK which you probably meant. Media remove alerts were already set to autoclear after 7 days, so I left it at that. "Automatically display new alerts" was also already set.

    After that change I retested the manual eject and the error message did not appear anymore.
