Media-Set Assignment / Write-Protection
I am curious if someone can help me with following problem:
I have a single-tape-drive with backup-jobs configured that split into "daily" (mo-thu) and "weekly" (fr) jobs.
As I don't switch tapes myself, I want to make sure, that if someone enters a "wrong" tape (for example a "weekly tape" instead of a "daily tape"), the job does not run.
A classical mistake was the idea of creating two medie-sets (daily and weekly) and dragging the desired tapes into these sets, as in the job-config you may choose the target-media-set. This does not work of course, because whatever media-set you define in a job, the tape currently in the drive is beeing moved to that target-media-set.
Is there a way to solve this?
Best Regards,
I'd start with a new week firstly. Erase the tapes needed, and make sure your Append/OPP is correct in your media sets as well.
Put in a tape, and if a Daily job runs on a Monday, the system picks up an overwritable tape, and then adds that automatically to your Daily media set. Same for the second tape that it uses.
Once you're done with your Daily tapes, erase the tapes needed for your Weekly backup. It's a laborious couple of steps, but at least this way you're not going to make a mistake, and will allow BE to sort the tapes out so that it keeps track of them.