Forum Discussion

Stefano_Gianfra's avatar
13 years ago

Automated assignment of media set?


a client is on duty to change tapes daily and at the end of month he accurately inserts one of these tapes labeled with "January", "February" etc. But BE (2010 R3) does not know these tapes (they seem to be new or used by a previous version of BE), so it allocates them to an unknown media set called "Backup Exec and Windows NT Backup Media". The problem is that this media set has an OPP of infinite so that I have to remember of moving the tapes to scratch media set (and to lable them) manually each month prior to backup job. Could this be automated (deleting could be the solution, but scheduling the deletion of tapes seems not to be intended by BE)?

Thanks for an advice,

  • Hi,


    No it can't. You'd have to either move the tapes manually, or erase them.


  • Hi,


    No it can't. You'd have to either move the tapes manually, or erase them.


  • What you are doing is treating the symptoms and not finding the cause of the problem.

    You should investigate why the tapes are not known to the BE server and so they are imported into the BE server.  Are these tapes previously written by this media serve?  If so, they should be listed in this media server and they would not have to be imported.  If they are previously used by this media server, then somebody must have deleted them from BE.  If you stop this deletion, the next time the tapes are used, they would be recognised and would be placed their proper media set, not the "Backup Exec and Windows NT Backup Media" set

  • if you are SURE that you want to automatically overwrite these recycled media, you can uncheck a box at Tools | Options | Media management called "prompt before overwriting imported media"