Forum Discussion

hotelcalefornia's avatar
11 years ago

Media Set Creation

Good Day,

I have 10 tapes with IBM LTO 6 ULT3580 and EXEC backup 2012 (With VMware agent Lice) installed on Win 2008 R2. I’m planning to create Weekly & Monthly full backup and daily incremental. what i need to know are the follow: 

1-The best practice to create media set for my backup. can i create one media set used for all tapes or should i divide to multiple media set.

2-What is the media pool? is it different from media set. should i use in my environment (sorry if the question wrong, I’m not expert in the backup domain).

3-In Storage>>Slots i can see all tapes with Label (barcode). should i change that label to something like (Sunday-backup) or it's better to keep the same?

4-I need to take backup for 7 virtual machines. can i take weekly full backup and daily incremental (does incremental backup works with VM)?


Thank you in advance,


  • 1. There is no need to create different media sets if the OPP and the AP are the same. 2. Since you are only using one tape drive, there is no need for a device pool 3. Since you are using barcode labels, you cannot change the labels in the BE console. The tapes will always use the barcode labels 4. Yes. You can have incremental backups with your VM backups

6 Replies

  • 1. There is no need to create different media sets if the OPP and the AP are the same. 2. Since you are only using one tape drive, there is no need for a device pool 3. Since you are using barcode labels, you cannot change the labels in the BE console. The tapes will always use the barcode labels 4. Yes. You can have incremental backups with your VM backups
  • Hi pkh,


    Thank you very much for the quick response.

    Concerning point 2, yes i have library with 2 tape drives (one installed and the other empty). so media pool can be used in case both drive are there and used. correct?

    For point 3, if i right click on the media, i have "label" option and i can change the lable with warning that the media will be overwritten.




  • 2. No. If you install the second drive, you only need to target the library and the job will use the available tape drive. No device pool is needed 3. You can label the tape but when you next overwrite the tape the label will be changed to match the barcode label
  • Device pools are normally used when you have a couple of Disk Storage.  These Disk Storage can be on fixed disks or USB disks and these disk can all be online or only some of them online.