Forum Discussion

tkw's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

on restore Backupexec 2014 SP2 can't see all Sharepoint 2013 sites


We have backupExec 2014 Sp2 on windows server 2012, and 4 sharepoint 2013 WebApp.

We backup the Farm with this 4 WebApp.the backup work fine

When we select to restore sharepoint individual items OR Sharepoint Farm Components, we don't dave the 4th webAPp on the selection list.

We already check right of the BE exec on the farm and on the server.

Can you help us?



3 Replies

  • Does the backup job log mention the 4th Web App was backed up successfully ?

    If yes, try recataloging the backup sets and ensure the date selection window under restore is rightly set.

    If backed up to tape, run a duplicate to disk and recheck the restore selections.

  • If the Sharepoint environment is selected at the top level, all Web Apps should be included.  As mentioned above, check the job log to see if the 4th Web App is present and if it isn't then for some reason Sharepoint may not be reporting it as available for backup.  See if the 4th Web App shows up in Sharepoint's own backup applet... Anything there is typically what is shown in Backup Exec's Sharepoint selections.
