Forum Discussion

mpalecek's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Packetloader listing multiple media

I am running Backup Exec 12 on a windows 2003 Standard Server and have a VXA2 packetloader (1U, SCSI).


Whenever I use an old tape the media in the single media set is duplicated. Right now I have up to 12 media with the same label. For instance I have 11 labeled A00000001 that are listed as offline and one with the same label listed as online. I also have four out of nine media that are loaded listed as blank media in the Scratch Media set.


Any ideas what is causing this? Does this have something to do with the way I have it set up? I used the wizard to create the media set and then just added the media as I inventoried it the first time.

8 Replies

  • I do not know what is causing it, but you can try re-labeling the media to give it a different number.
  • I am not getting any errors at all. But when I inventory the library any media that is in there is added to the media pool.
  • Are you saying that when you inventory a media it shows up in the media tab (which is good), but then if you inventory it a second or third or fourth time, it shows up in the media tab 2, 3 or 4 times with the same name/barcode?
  • Yes, that is exactly what is happening. And if there are four entries for the same media, three of them will show as offline.
  • Is this with all media or just "old" media?  Was that "old" media used with Backup Exec or something else?


    You may have something wrong in the BE database.  If you don't have much configured yet, you may wish to uninstall & re-install or search for some of the technotes on database maintenance/replacement.


    Or maybe you can live with it and relabel those old media?  Or maybe just delete them when you are done with them?

  • I might be able to try that during the long weekends we have coming up.


    I had a really strange thing happen this morning that is related. A new tape that I put in (has not been used before), was put into the cleaning media set and I cannot move it out. (Invalid Physical Volume Library Argument).

  • I have reinstalled all of the backup exec software on both the media server and the remote agents and i am still getting the same behaviour.


    Whenever I run an inventory job or a backup job uses a new media instead of using one that already exists it adds a new one to scratch media and uses that. I then see multiple media listed with the same label but with different allocation dates.