Forum Discussion

JLemus's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

Problem with Backup Exec 15 "the backup exec database was offline"

Hello everyone,

I installed Backup Exec15 in a Windows Server 2008R2, the preinstallation and the installation was Ok, it was executed with no problem, but when i tried to run Exec15, it requests the username and  password, I use the local administrator account and then it displays a Message error "the backup exec database was offline" and the application cannot be executed. 

I enter to the SQL Studio, and tried to restart the Database but it displays another error message in where the SQL$BACKUPEXEC service cannot be started.


Please can you help me with this?

Thanky you in advance.




  • Backup Exec should not be using a local admin account for the services, but rather a domain admin account (if you're running a domain). To change this, open up BEutility.exe and after right-clicking the server name, select the option to change the service account.

    The rights for BE should be as per the TN below:

    This might explain why you can't access the SQL server to get to the BEDB.


  • Hello CraigV,

    Thank you for your support. I did that as you said, change the local user for a Domain Admin User, but the problem continues.

  • Go to the Windows Services, make sure that the service for the SQL instance BKUPEXEC is running as a LSA and start it.  Then make sure that all the BE services are running as a domain administrator, except for the BE remote agent service which should be running as a LSA.  Start all the BE services.  If there are any errors, check the Windows eventlog to see what the errors are and correct them.

    Once all the BE services are start, you can logon to the BE console with a domain administrator id.

  • I've done what you said, the BKUPEXEC is running as LSA and the other as Domain Administrator, but the problem continues, I've checked the event viewer and it shows this message:



  • Go to Programs and Feature and do a repair of BE.  If this does not help, I would suggest that you log a support case so that the Veritas engineers can take a look at the problem

  • Try these steps -

    1) Do ensure TCP/IP and Named Pipes protocols are enabled.

    2) Port 50106 should be open for use by the BE Management Service

    3) Follow this KB -

    • jay_kothawala's avatar
      Level 2

      Problem with Backup Exec 15 "the backup exec database was offline"


      Unable to open Backup Exec console.

      Backup Exec Management Service start-up in EXCEPTION mode.


      After updating product Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2. Update Name: KB3195363, an attempt to open the BackupExec admin console fails with error and Backup Exec Management Service start-up in EXCEPTION mode.

      All the Backup Exec services are running fine on the media server “FS2”

      This issue is known to be caused by a corruption in the configuration of .NET framework on the server itself and is not specifically a Backup Exec issue.


      --Will have to uninstall the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5.

      --Need to install Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0

      --Need to install Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 then reinstall .Net Framework 4.5 again.

      --Multiple reboot require.

      --If this issue is not resolve, you may need to contact Microsoft for more information on this case.

  • Please be aware that we have been continually updating the tech article that related to issues around recent Microsoft patchs apparently causing issues with access to the Backup Exec console.


    As such for our latest advice on the condition please ensure you carefully review the information and suggested solutions in:



  • System: Windows 2012 R2
    Software: Backup Exec 2015

    I had the same issue after a clean installation. I have tested all proposed solutions. None of these solutions succeeded. I had this Problem with 4 different Instances on different Locations.

    I have installed the .Net Framework -- NDP462-KB3151800-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe

    This Solution is working 
    .Net Framework fixing has not solved all Instance/Problem, sorry for this failed Information

    ---> Please use Solution from CW2 it was working on my Instances


    • Colin_Weaver's avatar

      ChristianWitzke I am not sure how often you have been checked our article as it has gone through numerous updates - the latest version does indicate that 4.6.1 is the recommended solution for Windows 2012 and Windows 2012 R2

      As such we would be interested to know if you ever tried 4.6.1 and it did not fix or whether you went straight to 4.6.2 from a lower version so do not know if 4.6.1 would have fixed it.