Forum Discussion

Moustafa_Mohamm's avatar
11 years ago

problem with CASO and MMS

Hi all,

I have a problem created with one of the BE support that is he deleted the MMS from the CAS server consol without disabling the communication between the CAS and the MMS which caused the MMS not to be controlled by the CAS any more and no link between them

I tried to repair both CAS and MMS with no success and also tried to manage MMS locally and then revert back to centralised also no success.


I think the problem with the BEDB itself but unfortunately I don't have any backup or dump for it

I have this event ID 33152 shown continuesly on CAS server

Adamm Database Event: Handle Failure!
Server = "CESUDB04"
Active Node = ""
Instance = ""
Database = "BEDB"


This is urgent issue and your fast response is highly appreciated.



  • Have you got a backup of the MMS's BEDB? If so, i would then recommend a restore of that database to a time that it was working, and then proceed from there. Thanks!

20 Replies

  • Yes, I know what you mean

    already uninstall that option on the MMS and made it stanalone then revert back that option to be connected to the CAS


    I have 3 MMS servers and all connected through LAN

    2 working properly and the third is having this issue

  • Have you got a backup of the MMS's BEDB? If so, i would then recommend a restore of that database to a time that it was working, and then proceed from there. Thanks!

  • MMS that has the problem is cesufp03

    CASO is cesubk01

    the other MMS with no issues are cesumb01 & cesumb02

  • If you have a backup of the BEDB.BAK, then restore it to the Data directory under the BE installation directory and then use BEUtility which can be found in the BE installation directory to restore the BEDB.

  • Craig,

    you are brilliant !!!!!

    thank you very much

    after i restored the BEDB for MMS every thing worked like a champ

    Thank you all for your cooperation