Forum Discussion

8 Replies

  • The first link is about the SSRMS. The point I want to know with this is if the IDR option of the BE2012 enough to complete our SSR requirement? Will it be a ble to provide us a reliable system recovery solution? If there are any difference on how the SSR and IDR performs with regards to system recovery?

  • IDR is no more in BE 2012.  It is replaced by SDR (Simplified Disaster Recovery) in BE 2012.  SDR is based in part on SSR and will be able to handle the restore of system to dissimiliar hardware better than IDR.

  • So with regards to that, is the SDR be able to perform just like how the SSR do? Is it reasonable not to purchase SSR anymore since SDR can perform just like how SSR do?

  • Check pg 25 onwards for differences between IDR & SDR -

    And yes, SDR has improved highly in regards to its predecessor IDR & if you are already using Backup Exec, would be a very good option to use SDR as well

  • I had Symantec System Recovery installed on my Backup Exec 2010 Media Server.  Shortly after installing the upgrade to BE 2012, I noticed that Symantec System Recovery was missing. 

    Does the default installation of BE 2012 uninstall Symantec System Recovery?

    Please advise...

    Dale Allen



  • SSR has ability to take Backups (cold backups as well as hot backups) and restore them.

    SDR uses the backups taken by a Backup Exec server to restore the system.



  • Does the default installation of BE 2012 uninstall Symantec System Recovery?

    That should not happen.

    What exactly do you mean by 'missing'?

    Are the program files still there? Is SSR still listed in add/remove programs?