Forum Discussion

schmidtm's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Recovering Win2k Server Systemstate with file redirection

Hello dear Community!

After a complete crash of our Windows 2000 Server I am not able to restore it. I think I do something wrong with the use of the function file redirection (sorry, i am a german people and i do not know the exact label in the english version).

I first tried using manual IDR boot CD to restore a Windows 2000 Server after full formatting of the hard disks

- IDR boot (about 6 months old) + set (either automatically or manually DR-file)
- Restore job started by the media server
----> C partition + system state redirected to the client C:\

After the recovery was completed (at the point where Backup Exec asks whether additional orders will follow) I got an error message that the system HAL could not be accessed. After restarting the recovered Windows 2000 the boot failed because the NTOSKRNL.EXE could not be found.

This has the following reason: Backup Exec copied the system state to
C:\Boot Files\C_\, C:\Registry\ und C:\COM+ xx and not to the right places in Windows! Backup Exec has not understood that it should restore the system state and has just copied the naked data to C:.

After that I tried the following: i installed Windows 2000 Server and the backup exec agent manually. Then i recovered the backup from the Media server to the running Windows 2000 Server. The result is the same (C: \ Boot Files \ C_ \, and so on).

How do I restore the system state restore correctly if I have to use the file redirection? (Info: the old server was
replaced with new hardware having the same name / IP is productive. The old server will be reactivated for testing purposes).

I am using Symantec Backup Exec 12.5

Thanks in advance!

  • If you are doing IDR, we automatically set the host name to old name, based on the information in dr file. For manual disaster recovery, you need to have same host name. Yes, exact same host name is required. Please consult Windows disaster recovery documentation to have a better understanding of the process.

9 Replies

  • Hello,

    Re-direct Restore of "System State" is not supported.
  • Hello,

    I believe that W2000 Server is NOT a Domain Controller and backup exec is not installed on the same.

    To perform disaster recovery
    1  : Install W200 and patch it
    2  : Install Remote Agent for Backup Exec.
    3  : Run Inventory and catalog job on the media which contains the backup of W2000 server
    4  : In the restore selections, select System State, Shadow Copy Components and the System Drive (C-Drive by defauly)

    Hope this helps...

  • I am surprised because i did the same on a Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2008 Server machine. Exactly the same method.

    How can I recover the crashed Windows 2000 Server without Re-direct Restore? I cannot set the same Hostname to the old Server because the new server is productive. Further the server was / is a member of the Microsoft Active Directory.

    (Sorry, i read your post too late)
  • Does it mean that i cannot use a different hostname for recovering? Do I need the exact hostname?

  • If you are doing IDR, we automatically set the host name to old name, based on the information in dr file. For manual disaster recovery, you need to have same host name. Yes, exact same host name is required. Please consult Windows disaster recovery documentation to have a better understanding of the process.

  • Thank you for your help!

    I understand the process of IDR and its "normal way". I wondered about it because I could recover a Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 Server by using the Re-direct Restore but the Windows 2000 Server could not be recovered.

    If Re-direct Restore of the Systemstate is not supported why does it work for Win 2k3 / 2k8? 
  • Hello,

    System State Restore is not support. It may work or may not...

  • Hi there,

    Which of the guys above helped you find your solution/was the actual solution? They would get the solution if what they said helped...
