Forum Discussion

ICS_Tech's avatar
Level 3
19 years ago

Remote agent backup through firewall

We recently upgraded to 10d from 9. We have 3 servers we backup over the internet, since the upgrade our remote backups are failing.
Here is the setup
Server1 with agent - Firewall1 --Internet -- firewall - backup server.
On firewall1 we have port 10000 open and can see the backup server connect to it.

The backup server keeps popping up for authentication.

On server1 we have the remote agent installed and using the login name backup1
On the backup server we have tried domain\backup1 and just backup1 but it will not connect.
Any way to increase the logging on the remote agent to see why it is failing?

All three setups are the same and are getting the same error, the backup server just seems to not be authenticating with the remote agent.


1 Reply

  • Hello,

    Try installing the remote agent in a silent mode.

    Please refer the following technote:

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