Forum Discussion

7 Replies

  • No, the RALUS support for Solaris has been discontinued with BE 2012

  • What alternative does Symantec provide for their customers who use Solaris since they are now left without a method to backup this OS?

  • As far as I know, NetBackup is Symantec's only current backup product that supports Unix agents.


    I feel the pain as I am in the same boat as you are.  I realize the Unix portion of the agent never worked great but it was usable.  Now we must run two products, migrate off Solaris, or look at other vendors for another product.

  • Thanks for the replies. I doubt we'll migrate to NetBackup because of the cost. Now I'm worried that Symantec will stop supporting other agents that we depend on.

  • Try installing an older version of RALUS. It might work, but the job will complete with exceptions about RAWS version are not equals. The RALUS installer for 2010 is located on a folder called "RalusMac" or something similar, if you don't have the installer for 2010 you can download it from

    For RALUS 12.5 you will need to access, use your login credentials and select "Backup Exec 12.5 for Windows Servers Linux/Unix/Macintosh/SAP Agents" (320 Mb).

    I'm not saying this is going to work, but you can try it, but, keep in mind that you will not have support from Techcnial Support  for something that is not officially supported, but at leat you have your Unix box backed up. ;D

    By the way, check the Software Compatibiliy List to know in which version of BE your unix/linux is supported.



  • v20.00BackupExec normally will connect to a one level back Agent

    As sucn the 2010 R2 Agent should work, the 2010 may work, but I doubt the 12.5 version will

    Also remember that whatever version of the DB was supported by the old Agent is as far forward as this approach will work.  If the Agent supports v5.1.5 for example, and you need to upgrade to v5.1.6 or v6.0.0 this approach will stop working

    And rememeber also, that if you ever have any problems with a backup that was done this way, Symantec will porobably wash their hands, since you must have all Agents at the same version as the media server, under the licensing scheme