Forum Discussion

WindowsNetAdmin's avatar
10 years ago

Rename Backup Exec Account

Hello all.

We are looking to rename the system logon account (account used for all bexec services too) used for Backup Exec 2012. The current account is the Admin account and for obvious reasons we want to stop that. What are some things to consider before changing the Backup Exec account? For example, after changing the account to New Account from Old Account, can we restore jobs with New Account that were backed up using Old Account?

OS: Windows Server 2003 R2

Backup Exec 2012

  • Hi,

    It's just the account used to run the services. You should have no hassles backing up or restoring details.

    You change the account in Active Directory, and then use BEutility.exe to change the BESA details.


4 Replies

  • Hi,

    It's just the account used to run the services. You should have no hassles backing up or restoring details.

    You change the account in Active Directory, and then use BEutility.exe to change the BESA details.


  • Typically, you would have to change the credentials at two ends.

    One would be the service account, i.e. the account under which the BE services run. As CraigV mentioned earlier, you could use BEUtility for doing so or you can change them using Configuration & Settings - BE services - Edit credentials.

    The other would the system logon account, i.e. the account used for backups/ browsing resources etc. This can be changed from Configuration & Settings - Logon Accounts - Manage Logon Accounts.

  • Make sure your new account has sufficient rights.  See the document below

  • Everyone, thank you for the quick responses and information! Sounds like it won't be a hassle.


    Thanks again!