Forum Discussion

hongkong123's avatar
13 years ago

Restore of master database and other databases

My environment:

Windows 2008 R2

SQL Server 2008 R2 (Full recovery model)  and my user database called ABC

Backup Exec 2010 Agent for Microsoft SQL Server


I've a backup job to do weekly "Full" backup of all databases (master, model, msdb, ABC) on Sunday, and daily "Differential" backup of other databases (model, msdb, ABC) on Monday - Saturday.  Previously I've performed the Full + Diff restore job of single database (ABC) and it was successful.


Backup Exec won't allow me to restore master and other database at the same time. Therefore, when I tried the restore of "master" database individually, it was successful with the "Automate Master Database Restore" option.  After that, I tried to restore other databases (model, msdb, ABC) by selecting Sunday's Full + Monday's Differential.  But it failed and displayed "Database Query Failure" error.


I've searched internet and still don't know how to restore all the databases up to daily backup if they are failed or lost.  Any one can help?  Thanks in advance!

8 Replies

  • msdb and model are also system databases, what if you only restore your ABC database ?

  • After you have restored the Master database, restore your full backup of the ABC database first.  Only when it is sucessfully completed, then restore the differential backup.

  • Thanks.  But I tried that the Differential backup can only be selected with a Full backup at the same time during restore job.  Since it will show error of not finding the Full backup, how can I restore the Differential backup indivdually?

  • Actually, I've to select Full backup and Differential backup in one restore job.  As I selected Simple recovery model, I will not recover the transaction log.

    But is it a must to delete the database first, so no connection is still active?

  • Hi


    No need to delete the database even you can put the database in to single recovery mode for same you can stop the SQL service & right click on service & in start parameters enter -m & then click on start service & then click on ok by which it will go in sinle recvoery mode & terminate active connection if open



  • Hi,

    If I do not delete the database, the restore job oftne returns "Database Query Failure" error.   Do you mean I have to stop the SQL Server service when using the Backup Exec's restore job?

  • Hi


    Donot stop sql service that would not help above post of mine explain to avoid mutiple connection put the sql service in start parametrs in -m will put it in single user mode & then start the service & then try doing restore

    If doing this still it is failing post the logs in application tab of sql server were restore is been done

