Forum Discussion

Legendaryadmin's avatar
3 years ago

SDR issue: Unable to authenticate with BE Server


I recently ran into an issue while attempting to use the SDR feature of Backup Exec. Upon booting to the custom SDR image we created we were able to load the NIC drivers and configure the IP address and etc, however, we are unable to proceed because it is not able to authenticate with the BE Server. It will not accept any credentials entered and I am 100% certain that it is a correct username and password as it is working when used on other resources. Already tried using both hostname and IP address, it keeps saying "Incorrect username or password". Upon checking the logs, I noticed the following:

Failed to connect to the BE server resource: \\10.97.xx.xx\IPC$. Error code: 1326

Error Message: The user name or password is incorrect.

It seems the IPC$ share is not accessible in the SDR environment. While using the command prompt within the SDR environment, we are also getting "Incorrect username or password" error when using command 'net use' to access the IPC$ share. Then Access denied when using 'net view \\10.97.xx.xx /all".
When trying to access the IPC$ share of the same Backup Exec from a different working windows server, the 'net use' and 'net view' command goes through successfully.

Any clues on how to go about in resolving this issue?
Firewall was already turned OFF on the BE Server for troubleshooting purposes.
Maybe a GPO setting to be changed? 

I have a similar issue as this one: Solved: SDR failed to connect to backup server - VOX (

Thanks in Advance

3 Replies

  • This might be caused by a mismatch between the date & time of the two servers.
    Try setting the date/time in the BIOS of the remote computer to match the Backup Exec server.

    • Legendaryadmin's avatar
      Level 2

      Thank you for the response. I did check the time and date as you mentioned. It is matching the BE Server.