Forum Discussion

Merrill_Correia's avatar
20 years ago

Server hangs after running any job using Backup Exec 10

Hi there,
I am using Backup Exec 10, and whenever i run a job, be it a normal data backup form another server, or my exchaneg server, or even my Oracle databases, the Job fails and the server hangs after that .
Below are some of the error meesages I have received.

Falcon Exchange IS Backup -- The job failed with the following error: A failure occurred querying the Writer status.

Category: Job Failed
Type: Error
Device: Servers Backup-to-Disk Folder
Job name: Falcon Exchange IS Backup
Time alert received: 6/9/2005 1:00:10 AM
Source: Job

Properties of Category: Job FailedEnabled: Yes
Send notifications: No
Record in event log: Yes
Event ID: 34113
Automatically clear: No
Include job log: No >

G: Drive Backup Daily -- The job failed with the following error: An error occurred during the snapshot cleanup, or could not locate a snapped volume from which to back up.

Category: Job Failed
Type: Error
Device: Servers Backup-to-Disk Folder
Job name: G: Drive Backup Daily
Time alert received: 6/6/2005 8:39:47 PM
Source: Job

Properties of Category: Job FailedEnabled: Yes
Send notifications: No
Record in event log: Yes
Event ID: 34113
Automatically clear: No
Include job log: No >

Awaiting your reply on this issue.
Merrill.Message was edited by:
Merrill Correia
This is the log entry for the job.
G: Drive Backup Daily -- The job failed with the following error: An error occurred during the snapshot cleanup, or could not locate a snapped volume from which to back up.

Category: Job Failed
Type: Error
Device: Servers Backup-to-Disk Folder
Job name: G: Drive Backup Daily
Time alert received: 6/6/2005 8:39:47 PM
Source: Job

Properties of Category: Job FailedEnabled: Yes
Send notifications: No
Record in event log: Yes
Event ID: 34113
Automatically clear: No
Include job log: No >

1 Reply

  • Hello,

    It seems you receive errors ragarding 'failure occured querying writer status' as well as errors related to 'snapshot cleanup'.
    Refer to the following technotes in order to resolve the problem regarding the previous error:

    Title:How to troubleshoot the error "A failure occurred querying the Writer status" (a000fed1 HEX or e000fed1 HEX) using VSSADMIN

    Title: The backup of shadow copy components fails with the error "0xe000fed1 - A failure occurred querying the Writer status."

    Hope this helps. If the issue persists, do write back to the forum. However if we do not receieve your update within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.
