Forum Discussion

jennifer_bogut_'s avatar
18 years ago

Share Point agent

Since we went to 11d on some of our boxes we have had nothing but the case of our Share Point box I need to know if the agent is ONLY required when running the full Portal version - we only run services.

I removed the agent to allow the webmaster to get her Share point working - don't even ask why that's an issue for MS! - but I am wondering if I even need the darn thing........

5 Replies

  • My understanding is that the Sharepoint Agent will allow you to restore individual documents from the Sharepoint environment. If you use the SQL agent or the Server Recovery product, you'll be forced to restore the entire environment to recover a single document.

    I also believe that the agent will do this for both Sharepoint Portal Server, as well as WSS.

    Last - the current version of the BE Sharepoint Agent will only work with Sharepoint Portal Server 2003 or 2001, and WSS V2. Portal Server 2007 and WSS V3 are expected to be supported sometime Q1 2007.

    Someone please coprrect any of this if it's incorrect!

    Thanks - Joe
  • Um.....what's "WSS"? I only admin that particular box for hte OS - have no knowledge of Share Point at all - sorry.
  • WSS = Windows Sharepoint Services. This is the free version of Sharepoint that comes with Windows Server.
  • Heh heh - no problem! I'm new to BE, and I shudder to think about the newbie questions I've been asking....although it's starting to come together now!

    Good luck!