Forum Discussion

Symanticus's avatar
Level 6
14 years ago

SharePoint 2007 agent backup Error: The job failed with the following error: The directory is invalid.

Hi All,

I've already followed the article in this page to backup and set permission of my SharePoint 2007 SP2 Farm:

but then when i perform backup it failed with the following log:


Job ended: Monday, September 20, 2010 at 11:17:29 AM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe000fe09 - The directory is invalid.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65033

the Test Run performed successfully, but I still don't understand why it failed miserably when doing the real backup job.

Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hi there Albert,

    Please make sure that the login / credentials that you use is the members of:

    1. Domain admin
    2. SQL db_owner
    3. MOSS Farm admin

    I know that is sounds like too much but hope that helps.

4 Replies

  • the following is the Credentials test screen before i start the backup Job, all seems to be good using the DOMAIN\SPService user which is also member of the DOMAIN Administrators group.


    from the test backup log:


    Credentials Check
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, Server Farm 2 (MOSSDEV01)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, Global Settings (MOSSDEV01)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, Search instance\Index files 1 (MOSSDEV01\e6fc00b3-f15e-45e0-9227-ba417f591610)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, Shared Search Index\Index files 1 (MOSSDEV01\e2581ec6-0096-4756-bad4-0df75dc2d0c1)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, SharedServices1\Services-DB 1 (MOSSDEV01\MOSSDB\SharedServices1_DB)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, Search instance\Search-DB 1 (MOSSDEV01\MOSSDB\MOSS_Search_DB)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, WebApplication\Content-DB 1 (MOSSDEV01\MOSSDB\SharePoint_AdminContent_f632e5bf-cbd9-4d9f-a819-1811feb4f2b6)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, Sandbox Web Application\Content-DB 1 (MOSSDEV01\MOSSDB\WSS_Content)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, SSP-10000\Content-DB 1 (MOSSDEV01\MOSSDB\SSP_ContentDB)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, Shared Search Index\Search-DB 1 (MOSSDEV01\MOSSDB\SharedServices1_Search_DB)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, MySite - 10001\Content-DB 1 (MOSSDEV01\MOSSDB\MySite_ContentDB)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, SharePoint - 80\Content-DB 1 (MOSSDEV01\MOSSDB\SharePoint80_ContentDB)
    Check status : Success
    Device       : \\MOSSDEV01, ConfigurationV3-DB (MOSSDEV01\MOSSDB\MOSS_Farm_Config)
    Check status : Success

    how come after Test backup run is success and the credential test the problem to backup still exist ?

  • Hi there Albert,

    Please make sure that the login / credentials that you use is the members of:

    1. Domain admin
    2. SQL db_owner
    3. MOSS Farm admin

    I know that is sounds like too much but hope that helps.

  • oh... yes, that's what I should've done.

    Thanks man for your suggestion.