"Spare Disk Area" Issues
Our server is a Windows Server 2008 with Backup Exec 2012. I am consistently getting the following errors:
"Backup Exec attempted to automatically reconfigure the newly discovered disk storage device for use, but the reconfiguration failed with the following error: Physical Volume Library Database - duplicate key or index."
This is in relation to a 'Spare Disk Area' in the storage tab of Backup Exec. This spare disk area points to a location called F:\BACKUP which contained a backup from 2010 that was set to never delete. We no longer needed this backup and so from the storage tab I went into the spare disk area and deleted the backup. There are no jobs or backup sets within this 'spare disk area.'
I wish to delete this spare disk area; because we don't use it anymore and the error messages are annoying (I don't like error messages :) ). So I did the following:
1. Right clicked 'Spare Disk Area' from within the storage tab and choose 'disable'.
2. Right clicked 'Spare Disk Area' from within the storage tab and choose 'delete.'
I then recieve the following error: "Unable to delete the disk storage. Catastrophic Failure." Now I don't like error messages but I dislike 'catastrophic failure messages' even more. I'm also getting this error in backup exec:
"Backup Exec was unable to initialize and communicate with the device Spare Disk Area [FIXEDB2DDevice 1.00] (Unspecified error)."
I can't seem to find any event logs or any other relevant information. I appreciate any advice or assistance on what I can do to delete this 'spare disk area' and stop these error messages from happening.
Took two levels of symantec support to resolve - had to delete the record in the database.