Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  •  A restricted account can be used only by the owner of the logon account and those who know the password. A common account is a shared account that can be accessed by all users.

    To use a restricted logon account, you must be the owner of the logon account or you must know the logon account's password. The person who created the logon account is the owner. If you authorize only a few people to back up or restore data, you can make the logon account a restricted logon account.

    The main reasons to restrict a logon account are as follows:

    To limit access to the resources available for backup.

    To limit the ability to restore data.

    When you use a restricted logon account to select the resources for a job, the logon account information is saved with the selection list. Anyone who tries to edit the job must provide the password to the restricted logon account. Backup Exec only loads the selections for that job when the password for the restricted logon account is provided.

  • Hi there,


    Adding to Amrut's point


    A restricted logon a/c will only restrict users from modifying or deleting jobs created by that user( logon a/c )  but will never restrict users from logging into the console. If the users can log into the server where BE in installed , they will be able to login to the BE console


    Once the user logs into the console , he can go to network ---- logon a/c , create a new user & make it default a/c & then can create his own jobs


    Answer will be NO