Forum Discussion

Arthur_Rahovits's avatar
19 years ago

Tape Removal Notification

I have a Microsoft SBS STD 2003, running Veritas Backup Exec v9.1 with SP1. All is A.O.K. other then one annoying item. Backup Exec sits on 99% completion until you respond to the Alert Notification to remove the tape from the unit, then posts 100% completion and schedules for the next day.

Is there any way of not having this alert appearing and to just simply eject the tape?

In my Job Setup, under Device and Media, I have checked the Eject media after job completes.

5 Replies

  • Hello,

    Please refer to the following technote:

    How to configure Backup Exec to automatically respond to media alerts, including when a backup hangs at 99%, until the user responds to a tape eject prompt

    Hope this helps you.


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  • Cheers Ajit,

    Useful doc, but still not joy, my Automated Alert Response for Media Remove Alert is Yes or OK, but I still receive the Alert etc.. as before.

    Any other ideas?
  • Hello Arthur,
    That Article that Ajit gave you should work.

    Can you please tell us you have selected the check box 'Automatically Clear alert after'? and if yes, what value have you put there?


    Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.

  • Thanks Amrute,

    Forgot to check this option, set to 1 minute and all is A.O.K.

    Thanking you for your assistance.
  • I have BE 9.1 running on Windows SBS 2003. My backup jobs appear to complete but then I get "Remove Media" alert. Even after I remove the media, I continue to get repeatd "Remove Media" alerts. I have used the BEUTILITY.EXE to set automated responses and have configured my alerts to clear after 1 minute as suggested in article 192055 but that has not resolved the problem. The only way I can get the job to "finish" is to cancel it. Can you help?