Unable to create disk storage in Backup Exec 2012
Hi all, hope someone can help. Long story short, we had to change some domain passwords on users and in doing so, the backup no longer runs. Upon further research, the disk was being "seen" as offline, even though this NAS (a QNAP device) is accessible, there is plenty of storage, and I can browse to it as the domain admin from the server that Backup Exec is installed. I can also get to it as the domain user that was originally running the backup job.
So, after tinkering with things, I just decided to delete the jobs and storage device (nothing was working that I came across under Symantec forums/KBs) and I am now stuck on trying to setup the storage device again from scratch. Every time I try to configure it, it keeps failing. I get the error and screenshot of:
Unable to create the disk storage.
The Backup Exec service account does not have read and write permissions on the remote computer on which the network share is located. The Backup Exec service account that requires these permissions is on the Backup Exec server that you want to access the network share.
You must give read and write permissions to the Backup Exec service account, and then try again.
At this point, I do not know what to do. I've tried other locations to backup to, that hasn't worked. The product is updated from LiveUpdate and I have rebooted the Windows 2008 R2 Standard 64-bit server. I don't actually understand the part about the BE service account. What is that? Where would I be able to tell what that has permission to? To my knowledge we never had to create a specific AD user by this name to then use the product over the network. Can anyone help step me through what might be the problem? Plain and simple, it just seems to not see the NAS device over the network anymore. Thanks for any help...--Kirk