Unable to open Remote Administration Console
Since updating to the latest Windows 10 1903 we've been unable to open the Remote Administration Console. I've uninstalled and re-installed but it refuses to open.
Error in the event log is:
Application: BackupExec.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException
at System.RuntimeType.GetMethodImpl(System.String, System.Reflection.BindingFlags, System.Reflection.Binder, System.Reflection.CallingConventions, System.Type[], System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[])
at System.Type.GetMethod(System.String, System.Reflection.BindingFlags)
at BackupExec.ThemeManager..cctor()
Exception Info: System.TypeInitializationException
at BackupExec.ThemeManager.ChangeTheme(System.String, System.String)
at BackupExec.App..ctor()
at BackupExec.App.Main()
Anyone else noticed this issue? Any ideas how to fix?