Forum Discussion

ppremier's avatar
16 years ago

Unable to select Tablespaces



We have an Oracle v8 Database installed on Windows 2k SP4 server which also has the agent installed. Backup Exec v11d is running on a Windows 2003 server.


I've followed the instructions here


Seems like a strange problem to me, but before I carry out any of the steps provided in the URL, I can see the w2k server listed and also that it has 3 oracle databases, however these are not selectable and it states that the agent needs to be configured. So I follow the steps and configure the agent and settings in Backup Exec, but then when I attempt to create a new job, the server is still visisble however the 'configured' Oracle databases are not visisble at all now, however one of the 3 which I did not attempt to configure can still be seen. I really have no idea why but have tried a variety of IP/hostname and username combinations without success, they still stubbornly refuse to appear.


I feel there is probably a very simple solution to this but foor the life of me I cn't work out what.


Thanks in advance.


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