Forum Discussion

TobiasEberli's avatar
11 years ago

Uninstalling Backup Exec 2012 SP2 from Windows Server 2012 fails

Hi There

I was triing to uninstall Backup Exec 2012 SP2 (SP is beta version) and get the following error:

FATAL ERROR: ERROR 1306. Another application has exclusive access to the file
C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\bedb_dat.mdf.
Please shut down all other applications, then click Retry.

I can not find the application wich is denying me from uninstall the Software.

I Hope you can help me with this.



  • Not sure if that is the error we have had reported before, however because backup Exec is not support to run as a Media server dircetly on Windows 2012, then uninstalling it after SP2 (beta) has been instaleld can be difficult.

    There were posts in the Symbeta forums on this topic, have you checked there (I believe you can still login to see thsi material if you are a registered beta participant) - I will see if I can find the steps for you shortly.

    EDIT 1: for non-beta public release of SP2 custoemrs, we have taken steps to ensure you do nto experience this problem.

    EDIT 2: as this should only affect beta customers, I have sent the OP a PM with information we have about uninstall of the media server on the unsupported Windows 2012


5 Replies

  • Not sure if that is the error we have had reported before, however because backup Exec is not support to run as a Media server dircetly on Windows 2012, then uninstalling it after SP2 (beta) has been instaleld can be difficult.

    There were posts in the Symbeta forums on this topic, have you checked there (I believe you can still login to see thsi material if you are a registered beta participant) - I will see if I can find the steps for you shortly.

    EDIT 1: for non-beta public release of SP2 custoemrs, we have taken steps to ensure you do nto experience this problem.

    EDIT 2: as this should only affect beta customers, I have sent the OP a PM with information we have about uninstall of the media server on the unsupported Windows 2012


  • ...just to add to what Colin has said above, you cannot uninstall SP2, so this is another reason. SP1a was the same!


  • Just to elaborate


    Backup 2012 (both original release and SP1a integrated release) would install on Windows 2012. The direct intergrated SP2 release will not.

    As Craig V mentioned SP2 cannot be uninstalled, however you should be able to uninstall the complete product which will remoev SP2 as well.

    If you install SP2 (beta) as a patch where you have install BackuP Exec 2012 (original or SP1a) as a media server on Windows 2012 then you will have problems uninstalling and also the product may stop working with licensing errors (basically unreprectable things happen as thsi configuration is unsupported)

    I have just been informed that if you are stuck in the state of the Beta of SP2 installed blocking the uninstall on Windows 2012, then you should be able to install the Public version of SP2 over the top and then uninstall the complete product. This replaces the information I sent the OP as a PM

  • Hi

    Thanks for the answers.

    I think i had to say that i want to uninstall the complete product not just the SP2.

    In the beginning i had problmes to start the uninstaller of Backup Exec 2012 but Symbeta helped me and told me to remove the beSeqDlgs.dll file from the ProgramData folder and replave it with the one from the Backup Exec 2012 SP1a install Media. This worked and i wa able to start the uninstallation progress but after a few minutes there is first an error message that Backup Exec is unable to detach the MSSQL Database. I think this is not a problem i can detach this later by myself but about 1min after this the error occurs wich i posted in my first post!


  • Stop all the BE services

    Restart the SQL service for the BKUPEXEC instance


    then try your uninstall with the BE services still stopped