Forum Discussion

Pedro_Alvarez's avatar
9 years ago

Grow a CVM_CFS on Linux 6.5 VCS 6.2


I'm some newe whit Veritas Cluster, so i'll apreciate your valious help !!

I have this scenario

1 ) 3 node Cluster whit CVM_CFS sharing same FS at same time 

2 ) a Resource group whit NFS Sharing the CFS of the cluster to a couple o Clients

Requirement :

1) grow one of the CFS ( they are VxFS aswell ) from 1 Tb to 2 Tb 

So i have made a lab and work but i wanna now if i'm missing some important step that i obviusly don't know


Grow CFS Lab

1) Recognice New luns to Linux

more /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host3/scan
echo "1" > /sys/class/fc_host/host3/issue_lip
more /proc/scsi/scsi

2) Show the new Disks

[root@cen-tlg-bil-01 ~]# vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
ams_21000_23 auto:cdsdisk    DGWORK_CRI_DSK01  DG_WORK_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_24 auto:cdsdisk    DGWORK_CRI_DSK02  DG_WORK_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_26 auto:cdsdisk    DGWORK_CRI_DSK03  DG_WORK_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_27 auto:cdsdisk    DGWORK_CRI_DSK06  DG_WORK_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_28 auto:cdsdisk    DGWORK_CRI_DSK07  DG_WORK_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_29 auto:cdsdisk    DGWORK_CRI_DSK08  DG_WORK_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_30 auto:cdsdisk    DGWORK_CRI_DSK09  DG_WORK_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_31 auto:cdsdisk    DGWORK_CRI_DSK10  DG_WORK_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_42 auto:cdsdisk    DGWORK_CRI_DSK04  DG_WORK_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_43 auto:cdsdisk    DGWORK_CRI_DSK05  DG_WORK_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_44 auto:cdsdisk    DGDATA_CRI_DSK01  DG_DATA_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_45 auto:cdsdisk    DGDATA_CRI_DSK02  DG_DATA_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_46 auto:cdsdisk    DGDATA_CRI_DSK03  DG_DATA_CRI  online shared
ams_21000_52 auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
ams_21000_53 auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
ams_21000_54 auto:cdsdisk    -            -            online
sda          auto:LVM        -            -            online invalid

3) initialize new disks

vxdisksetup -i ams_21000_52 <------- New Disks 
vxdisksetup -i ams_21000_53
vxdisksetup -i ams_21000_54

4) Verify actual size on DG previously to add disks :

[root@cen-tlg-bil-01 ~]# vxassist -g DG_DATA_CRI maxsize 
VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-15809 No free space remaining in diskgroup DG_DATA_CRI with given constraints

5) Adding disks to the DG :

[root@cen-tlg-bil-01 ~]# vxdg -g DG_DATA_CRI adddisk DGDATA_CRI_DSK04=ams_21000_52 DGDATA_CRI_DSK05=ams_21000_53 DGDATA_CRI_DSK06=ams_21000_54

6) Verify the new Maxsize of the DG :

[root@cen-tlg-bil-01 ~]# vxassist -g DG_DATA_CRI maxsize
Maximum volume size: 125626368 (61341Mb)

7) Verify FS size Previously Grow:

df -h /DATA_CRI

/dev/vx/dsk/DG_DATA_CRI/VOL_DATA_CRI   60G  221M   56G   1% /DATA_CRI <---- Its 60Gb original size 

9) Grow the FS :

[root@cen-tlg-bil-01 ~]# vxassist -g DG_DATA_CRI maxsize
Maximum volume size: 125626368 (61341Mb) < ------ Doing the grow with Mb Size it fail :( 

( [root@cen-tlg-bil-01 ~]# vxresize -b -F vxfs -g DG_DATA_CRI VOL_DATA_CRI +61341M
[root@cen-tlg-bil-01 ~]# VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-436 Cannot allocate space to grow volume to 313573376 blocks
VxVM vxresize ERROR V-5-1-4703 Problem running vxassist command for volume VOL_DATA_CRI, in diskgroup DG_DATA_CRI

[root@cen-tlg-bil-01 ~]# vxresize -b -F vxfs -g DG_DATA_CRI VOL_DATA_CRI +125626368 <----- So i made it with the other value

10) Verifying Cluster and FS status :

df -h

/dev/vx/dsk/DG_DATA_CRI/VOL_DATA_CRI  120G  236M  113G   1% /DATA_CRI  <----- Grow OK to 120 Gb

[root@cen-tlg-bil-01 ~]# hastatus -sum

-- System               State                Frozen              

A  cen-tlg-bil-01       RUNNING              0                    
A  cen-tlg-bil-02       RUNNING              0                    
A  cen-tlg-rtg-01       RUNNING              0                    

-- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State          

B  ClusterService  cen-tlg-bil-01       Y          N               ONLINE         
B  ClusterService  cen-tlg-bil-02       Y          N               OFFLINE        
B  ClusterService  cen-tlg-rtg-01       Y          N               OFFLINE        
B  DATA_CRI-sg     cen-tlg-bil-01       Y          N               ONLINE         
B  DATA_CRI-sg     cen-tlg-bil-02       Y          N               ONLINE         
B  DATA_CRI-sg     cen-tlg-rtg-01       Y          N               ONLINE         
B  WORK_CRI-sg     cen-tlg-bil-01       Y          N               ONLINE      <------ Resource Group is OK     
B  WORK_CRI-sg     cen-tlg-bil-02       Y          N               ONLINE         
B  WORK_CRI-sg     cen-tlg-rtg-01       Y          N               ONLINE         
B  cvm             cen-tlg-bil-01       Y          N               ONLINE         
B  cvm             cen-tlg-bil-02       Y          N               ONLINE         
B  cvm             cen-tlg-rtg-01       Y          N               ONLINE         
[root@cen-tlg-bil-01 ~]# 

Could you please helpme to check if my steps are fine and solve my question why the grow fails if i give the value in Mb 

thank you in advance



  • Hi,


    Use maxgrow to estimate the possible volume size instead of maxsize. Maxsize tells you the size of a new volume you could create assuming a stripe. Your volume might be mirrored so the maxgrow looks at the specific volume before doing the calculation.


    vxassist [ options] [ -b] maxgrow volume [ attribute...]

1 Reply

  • Hi,


    Use maxgrow to estimate the possible volume size instead of maxsize. Maxsize tells you the size of a new volume you could create assuming a stripe. Your volume might be mirrored so the maxgrow looks at the specific volume before doing the calculation.


    vxassist [ options] [ -b] maxgrow volume [ attribute...]