Forum Discussion

Carlyle's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

How to show cluster ids on a physical network


We are looking for a way to discover all cluster ids visible on the physical network in order to choose a unique id.

How can we do this?



  • I sincerely thank you all for trying to help. My final solution is as follows.


    First I used tcpdump to gather the llt broadcasts and cut out the MAC addresses and the cluster IDs.

    <code>tcpdump -a -X -c 1000 broadcast and ether proto 0xcafe 2>/dev/null |
    sed -n '
        s/^[^ ]* \([^ ]*\) .*/\1/
        s/^[  ][  ]*[^ ]*  *[^ ]*  *\([^ ]*\) .*$/\1/
        s/\n/ /
    ' | sort -uk2</code>

    This would actualy have been enough to answer my original question but I was curious which clusters have which IDs.

    Then I used arp to gather the MAC addresses together with the IP information. Of course I needed to feed the arp cache on the local server first so I chose to use a SYN request in perl.

    <code>function sshping
    typeset -x SERVER=$1
    typeset -x PORT=22
            [[ -n $2 ]] && PORT=$2

            /usr/bin/perl -w -e '
            use strict;
            use Net::Ping;
            use Socket;

            my $ip;
            my $host = $ENV{"SERVER"};;
            my $packed_ip = gethostbyname($host);
            if (defined $packed_ip) {
                            $ip = inet_ntoa($packed_ip);
            } else {
                            print "$host ssh port is unreachable.\n";
                            exit( 1 );
            my $p = Net::Ping->new("tcp", 6);

            $p->{port_num} = $ENV{"PORT"};

            if( $p->ping($ip) ) {
              print "$host port $p->{port_num} is reachable.\n";
              exit( 0 );
            } else {
              print "$host port $p->{port_num} is unreachable.\n";
              exit( 1 );
    i=1;while ((i<255)) ; do sshping 10.217.130.$i >/dev/null 2>&1 ; ((i+=1)) ; done</code>

    Then I was ready for my arp requst.

    <code>arp -a | tr -d '][)(' | sed -n '
                    s/\([ :]\)\([0-9]\)\([ :]\)/\10\2\3/g
                    s/at //
                    s/ ethernet .*$//

  • You can use "lltconfig -N" - see extract from 6.1 man page:

           -N     List all the used cluster ids in the network.

                  This option must not be used when LLT is configured. This option
                  may not list all the cluster ids if the LLT broadcast message
                  frequency on the remote clusters is decreased or if the LLT
                  broadcast feature is disabled.

    You can also use download at


  • If you try to configure SFHA using installer script, it will ask to "check for unique cluster id" in a network. 

  • # lltconfig -N
    lltconfig: illegal option -- N
    LLT lltconfig ERROR V-14-2-15010 usage: lltconfig

  • #
    -n Counting 50 Heartbeats[51]: snoop:  not found[52]: snoop:  not found

    Cluster and Node ID's detected.
    cat: cannot open /tmp/fndclid.out

  • -N option is available on 6.x, so you must have a lower version.
    If script is using snoop, then this will probably only work on Solaris.
    So if you do not have access to 6.x system or a Solaris system, then other option as Novonil says is to run the vcsinstaller which you MAY be able to run with option to makeresponse file so that installer doesn't actually do anything.


  • check  /etc/llttab:



    bash-3.2# more /etc/llttab
    set-node t5120a
    set-cluster 44353                        <<<<<<<<<<<<<cluster id
    link e1000g2 /dev/e1000g:2 - ether - -
    link e1000g3 /dev/e1000g:3 - ether - -

  • I sincerely thank you all for trying to help. My final solution is as follows.


    First I used tcpdump to gather the llt broadcasts and cut out the MAC addresses and the cluster IDs.

    <code>tcpdump -a -X -c 1000 broadcast and ether proto 0xcafe 2>/dev/null |
    sed -n '
        s/^[^ ]* \([^ ]*\) .*/\1/
        s/^[  ][  ]*[^ ]*  *[^ ]*  *\([^ ]*\) .*$/\1/
        s/\n/ /
    ' | sort -uk2</code>

    This would actualy have been enough to answer my original question but I was curious which clusters have which IDs.

    Then I used arp to gather the MAC addresses together with the IP information. Of course I needed to feed the arp cache on the local server first so I chose to use a SYN request in perl.

    <code>function sshping
    typeset -x SERVER=$1
    typeset -x PORT=22
            [[ -n $2 ]] && PORT=$2

            /usr/bin/perl -w -e '
            use strict;
            use Net::Ping;
            use Socket;

            my $ip;
            my $host = $ENV{"SERVER"};;
            my $packed_ip = gethostbyname($host);
            if (defined $packed_ip) {
                            $ip = inet_ntoa($packed_ip);
            } else {
                            print "$host ssh port is unreachable.\n";
                            exit( 1 );
            my $p = Net::Ping->new("tcp", 6);

            $p->{port_num} = $ENV{"PORT"};

            if( $p->ping($ip) ) {
              print "$host port $p->{port_num} is reachable.\n";
              exit( 0 );
            } else {
              print "$host port $p->{port_num} is unreachable.\n";
              exit( 1 );
    i=1;while ((i<255)) ; do sshping 10.217.130.$i >/dev/null 2>&1 ; ((i+=1)) ; done</code>

    Then I was ready for my arp requst.

    <code>arp -a | tr -d '][)(' | sed -n '
                    s/\([ :]\)\([0-9]\)\([ :]\)/\10\2\3/g
                    s/at //
                    s/ ethernet .*$//