MultiNIC faulted and then switchover the base+virtual IP to another interface
Expected Environment
Solaris 10
HA 6.0 (Single Node Cluster)
one built-in interface on solaris machine (bge0)
four port interface card installed (qfe0, qfe1, qfe2, qfe3)
I configured MultiNIC and add qfe0 and qfe1 with base ip and under MultiNIC resource and also configured IPMultiNIC resource with Virtual IP
I unplugged the networking cable from qfe0. The MultiNIC + IPMultiNIC resource faulted and after a while the MultiNIC + IPMultiNIC resource came online again and than base + virtual ip switched over.
My question why the resource is getting faulted and comming back with new IP+interface. why not IP's switched over without faulted. Any thing I am missing.
As I said in earlier post:
It may have faulted as qfe0 was plumbed in as I think this is not supposed to be plumbed in. Now that bge0 is not plumbed in, can you repeat test
and Paresh has confirmed this, so can you test with just one interface plumbed in. Paresh suggests not plumbing any in, but the normal sequence of events is that you plumb in the preferred interface in boot up (i.e suppose you want qfe0 to be be plumbed in then you create a /etc/hostname.qfe0 file) and you leave the other interface unplumbed.