Modify images in order to point new master server
Hi guys,
I have a master server running in a windows 2016, the version is 7.7.3 and I have 9 media servers (veritas appliances), because of the clients operating system obsolesce I have to separate this environment in two domains. The first domain will be the same master and only 3 of the 9 media servers backing up windows 2003 and older. And for the second domain, I will install another master server in 8.1.2 version and the other 6 appliances will be attached to this new master in order to backup up windows 2008 and higher.
My concern is to find a way to "modify" the images so these point to old master because. I have to do this because I cant move all images to the first 3 appliances.
The first 3 appliances will remain in version and the other 6 will be updated to 7.7.3 or higher.
Hey Andr
I'd never say you were crazy, but it isn't going to work like you want it to. The EMM database is stored on the master server, not the media server.
What you are suggesting is something that can be done with a client - although I think you mean add the master server name to the SERVER list. This does work and is a good way to migrate clients between NetBackup domains to retain access to legacy backups for restore. This is for clients only though.However as I indicated in my first reply, a media server can only be assocaited with one master server. Once you attach them to the new master, they lose access to the old master and the catalog information required for restores.The only way to use the backup images on the 6 appliance would be to import the images into the new master server.
I would seriously reconsider your planned architecture.