Forum Discussion

smlopes's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

Shutdown and startup order of Enterprise Vault services

What is the shut down order of Evault services?

What is the start up order of Evault services?

Which services should I be stopping and starting after settings the dbs in backup mode?

  • Task Controller i would restart every day, there are numerous MAPI leaks way outside of Enterprise Vaults control that just occur over long periods of time.
    Even with the internal recyle of mapi tasks that EV does itself internally after so many operations, there still seems to be a lot of handles that reside until the task controller restarts them all.

    As for storage, i know that you're not meant to have to restart it, however there are also some memory leaks with in things like StorageOnlineOpns, and if you are heavy on the export side through Discovery Accelerator or Move Archive, then yu could find that keeping the storage service permanantly running will also cause memory and performance issues.

    For instance we had an issue where we were actually doing DA Exports, PST Exports via the API and Move Archive and it would cause some machines to become unresponsive to the point where they needed to be rebooted.

    After getting the Storage Service to restart every night, this has no longer been an option.

    But for 4000 users though?
    What i would suggest really is restart of Task Controller every night and restart of all the services once a week, maybe on a sunday or some such?

  • Start up order is

    NET Start "Enterprise Vault Admin Service"
    NET Start "Enterprise Vault Directory Service"
    NET Start "Enterprise Vault Storage Service"
    NET Start "Enterprise Vault Indexing Service"
    NET Start "Enterprise Vault Shopping Service"
    NET Start "Enterprise Vault Task Controller Service"

    The Stop order would be the reverse or just do:

    NET STOP "Enterprise Vault Admin Service" /y

    What version of EV? You shouldn't need to stop/start EV services when taking EV out of backup mode with EV 8 and above.

  • We are running EV 9.0.2 and use IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt for our backups. The consultant who helped us with the configuration said we need to restart the "Enterprise Vault Storage Service" when taking EV out of backup mode. Is this necessary in this version? Shouldn't we stop the other tasks as well?

  • It is not necessary to restart any services.
    That's what backup-mode is for.


  • For quite large environment (+10,000 mailboxes), you should restart Task Controller and Storage services after clearing backup mode especially if you are using trigger file. Although Symantec say this is no longer needed from EV 8 onwards but I have experienced with large environment and it is recommended. Of course this is depending each individual EV environment.

  • I noticed you used net stop/start instead of EVservices utility, which one is more reliable?

  • I don't know that one is more reliable than the other. I have just always used it and it works so my thinking is why change:)

  • Evservices is really better used for stopping and starting tasks rather than services as there is no other way to do that except through the VAC For the services part, really it just issues the same commands as net start/stop so really doesn't make any difference
  • How often should these services be restarted for a 4000 user environment? I heard answers from daily to once a week. So what are other Evault Trekies using?

  • Task Controller i would restart every day, there are numerous MAPI leaks way outside of Enterprise Vaults control that just occur over long periods of time.
    Even with the internal recyle of mapi tasks that EV does itself internally after so many operations, there still seems to be a lot of handles that reside until the task controller restarts them all.

    As for storage, i know that you're not meant to have to restart it, however there are also some memory leaks with in things like StorageOnlineOpns, and if you are heavy on the export side through Discovery Accelerator or Move Archive, then yu could find that keeping the storage service permanantly running will also cause memory and performance issues.

    For instance we had an issue where we were actually doing DA Exports, PST Exports via the API and Move Archive and it would cause some machines to become unresponsive to the point where they needed to be rebooted.

    After getting the Storage Service to restart every night, this has no longer been an option.

    But for 4000 users though?
    What i would suggest really is restart of Task Controller every night and restart of all the services once a week, maybe on a sunday or some such?

  • We have over 10,000 mailboxes and we restart Task Controller and Storage services twice a day (once for schedule task (included MSMQ service too) and once within the backup script without MSMQ). We found this recycles the MAPI connections and MSMQ as well.