Forum Discussion

Jay008's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

SFRAC in AIX 7.1

Dear experts,

I trying to install SFRAC in AIX Machine. I guess almost most of the configuration procedure already over.
Kindly correct me if I need to do any other procedure to make 100% complete.

Task completed:

1) Installation SFRAC & clusterware (local file system on both nodes)
2) install binaries (local file system on both nodes)
3) configure cssd agent
4) relink oracle binaries
For datafiles I created seperately shared vg,vol,mount point using cfsmntadm.

Kindly clear my below doubts.

Online service groups:
ClusterService  ======> It hold web IP ressource & online on one node
                       ( What is the use of this IP & is should be online two hosts ?)
cvm            =======> online on both node (hold voting & ocr)            
oradata_sg     =======> online on both node (old datafiles)    
vrts_vea_cfs_int_cfsmount1 ===> online on both node (is it created by cfsmntadm ? )        
vxfen        ==> online on both node (IO fencing)  

My question is :
1) Do I need to link my datafiles SG to any other SG ?

2) Do i need to configure any other res,SG for network ? (I guess clusterware taking care vIP)
3) In file oradata_sg & vrts_vea_cfs_int_cfsmount1 both poing for datafiles mountpoint. can I remove vrts_vea_cfs_int_cfsmount1 sg ?

root@flanker:/>  hastatus -sum

-- System               State                Frozen

A  flanker              RUNNING              0
A  soren                RUNNING              0

-- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State

B  ClusterService  flanker              Y          N               ONLINE
B  ClusterService  soren                Y          N               OFFLINE
B  cvm             flanker              Y          N               ONLINE
B  cvm             soren                Y          N               ONLINE
B  oradata_sg      flanker              Y          N               ONLINE
B  oradata_sg      soren                Y          N               ONLINE
B  vrts_vea_cfs_int_cfsmount1 flanker              Y          N               ONLINE
B  vrts_vea_cfs_int_cfsmount1 soren                Y          N               ONLINE
B  vxfen           flanker              Y          N               ONLINE
B  vxfen           soren                Y          N               ONLINE

  • Hi Jay,

    Good that you got your answers, please mark the post as solved



  • Hi,

    ClusterService  ======> It hold web IP ressource & online on one node
                           ( What is the use of this IP & is should be online two hosts ?)

    >>> ClusterService service group will be online on any 1 node in the cluster at any point. This IP address is a cluster IP which was intially intended to have a webGUI access to cluster management web console. This IP address is also used in GCO setup by WAC resource to find status of cluster on replicated site.


    1) Do I need to link my datafiles SG to any other SG ?

    >>> I would expect that oradata_sg is dependent on CVM. You can run "hagrp -dep" to check.

    2) Do i need to configure any other res,SG for network ? (I guess clusterware taking care vIP)

    >>>not really, you would have a PrivNIC resource configured in which will the IP for clusterware.

    3) In file oradata_sg & vrts_vea_cfs_int_cfsmount1 both poing for datafiles mountpoint. can I remove vrts_vea_cfs_int_cfsmount1 sg ?

    >>> This should not be the case, you should not have 2 different resources pointing to same resource. This is possible & accepted in case of network cards where you can have proxy resource however for mount resource, it doesn't look to be recommended. How did this happen ? was anything done manually ? Also can you paste here ?

    << I would suggest to change server names while pasting the output >>>



  • Hi Jay,

    As suggested by Gaurav , please attach the file. Also please note PrivNIC and MultiPrivNIC agent is not supported if your Oracle RAC is above 11202 since Oracle HAIP takes care of private ip failovers/failback.


  • Many Thanks Gaurav !!!

    Point 1 & 3 solved.  Point 2 is not aplicable to ora11r2( & I'm using oracle HAIP.

    Oracle Instance added into Oracle agent control

    Feeling Happy !





  • Hi Novonil,


    Many Thanks for the replay. Configuration done as suggested.




  • Hi Jay,

    Good that you got your answers, please mark the post as solved

