Forum Discussion

Scott__Hastings's avatar
12 years ago

ADSynchroniser.exe 500 failed logins

I'm getting fussed at from my Security Group. The ADsynchronizer is putting over 500 events in the Security Event log: Any ideas on resolving this? Failed Login event for prod\evadmin on (Domain Cont...
  • Kenneth_Adams's avatar
    12 years ago

    From the error description, it seems as though either the DA server has lost its membership in the domain or the Vault Service Account (VSA) credentials have become changed or stale.  I recommend first refreshing the VSA credentials for the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service (EVAMS), then restarting EVAMS.

    If the credentials refresh does not work, ensure you know the local Administrator account password for the DA server, then stop EVAMS and boot the DA server.  When the DA server comes back up, try logging onto it as the VSA.  If that fails, then  you will likely have to remove the server from the domain using its local Administrator account, boot the server, then add it back to the domain and boot the server again.
