11 years agoLevel 6
Search Results Directory
Regarding the xml files that are found in the directory Enterprise Vault Business Accelerator\SearchResults\evbacompliance; can those be deleted without issue.
Yes, these can be deleted without any issue. They are typically only used for troubleshooting to confirm the information received from the EV search engine.
If you are continually getting new files in this folder and are not actively troubleshooting any search related issue, you should disable the option to create those files. To disable that option:
- Launch the CA client with an account that has Application level configuration management permissions, such as the Vault Service Account,
- Click on the Configuration tab,
- Click on the Settings sub-tab.
- Expand the Diagnostics section.
- Locate the option Save XML Search Results.
- Click on the check mark in the Value column of this option to clear that check mark.
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the OK button to acknowledge the requirement to restart the Customer Background Tasks.
- Close the CA Client.
- On the CA server, restart the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service or go through the EVBAAdmin site as the Vault Service Account to restart the Customer's Background Tasks.
Please let us know if this resolves your issue with the files.