Inaccurate search results (browser search)
Hi there
I have a query from one of our heavy browser search users, who has started to notice discrepancies between the number of search results retrieved, and the number of items subsequently restored via a 'restore all' operation
User enters a search term, gets a count on results (in attached image, this is 870)
User clicks restore all results
Specifies destination etc and job kicks off
User goes into 'List All', and looks at the operation, but it only lists 448 items
Im just looking for a technote or the like on this discrepancy..
Reckon its probably something like a mail with 5 attachments will appear as being 6 search results, but for a restore all operation, will treated be a single item (maybe?), but I kinda need something in writing from Symantec on this - technote ideally
EV8.0.4, on w2k8r2
Outlook 2003, 8.0.4 plugin, on winXPsp3
Hello Ian,
Look at this forum-posting:
It describes the same issue, and how to 'fix it'.
In sort, add ?advanced to the search.asp URL, and then untick 'search attachments'. That should do the trick. I have been trying to find a technote for you, but have not been able to. Perhaps an Symantec Employee here knows where (if available) to find it.