Forum Discussion

vesa_k's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

Cannot remove Dedupe storage locations in DLO 7.6 environment

I have problem with Symantec DLO 7.6

We move all users to the new DLO Storage location in our DLO environment. The new location is different server than earlier. The new Storage location uses only new dedupe storage location which is in same server than new Storage location.

Backups are going fine to new storage location.


Still we cannot remove that old disk (Which was Backup location earlier). In Dedupe storage location list, there is still references to old dedupe

storage locations. (Setup > Right click over dedupe server > Manage > Dedupe Storage Location > Dedupe Storage location list)

Even if I try remove those in maintenance mode (like Help says in To delete a Dedupe Storage Location instructions), those storages not leave.


I think could there be something problem in Dedupe database, which is causing this?

Could there be still some references to old dedupe storage location and if so, how I can remove those links?

  • This is a known issue as outlined in

    If there is a very urgent requirement to remove the DeDupe Storage Location from the UI, then pls log a formal support case referencing the above mentioned KB.

2 Replies

  • This is a known issue as outlined in

    If there is a very urgent requirement to remove the DeDupe Storage Location from the UI, then pls log a formal support case referencing the above mentioned KB.