Forum Discussion

2 Replies

  • This is a generic error. Pls confirm the following:

    1) Can this user access the NUDF (Network User Data folder) from this client machine ? If yes, can this user "write" on the NUDF ?

    The following sharing and security permissions should be used:

    Share Permissions on the root NTFS folder defined as the NUDF

    Administrator: Full Control
    Everyone: Full Control

    Security Permissions on the root NTFS folder defined as the NUDF
    Administrator: Full Control
    Everyone: Read and Execute, Read and List Folder Contents
    Security Permissions on the NTFS sub-folder within the NUDF for the specific user
    Administrator: Full Control
    UserID: Full Control
    2) Is this user added in the DLO console under "Users" ?

    3) Does launching the DLO Agent using "Run as administrator" help ?

    4) On the client machine, browse to the registry at the following paths and verify information such as

    32-bit: - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Symantec DLO

    64-bit - HKLM\SOFTWARE\WoW6432Node\Symantec\Symantec DLO

  • In my experience, this message was presented when there was no auto-assign configuration defined for the logging in user.