Forum Discussion

Alessandro_Bert's avatar
12 years ago

DLO 7.5 Deduplication Server Configuration Error

Hi, I'm trying to configure Dedupe Server in DLO 7.5 but after successfull creating the dedupe server when I try to create the Dedup storage I receive the following message: Could not Authenticate User, Do You Want To Retry Y/N. If I click Y the pop up came again.

In event viewer I've found this:

05/23/2013, 11:40:33:048, 8292, 9056, [Error],"WebServerRequest::RunWebRequest: curl error code = 3; curl error message = <url> malformed"

05/23/2013, 11:40:33:049, 8292, 9056, [Error],"CRESTHashStoreProxy::HandleCommonServerError/(ERRORLOGGER): Error Code = 23022; Error Message = Could not connect to server host.

WebService API = closeSession; No. of hash = 0; "

05/23/2013, 11:40:43:693, 8292, 9056, [Error],"WebServerRequest::RunWebRequest: Dedupe server returned an error 20011."

05/23/2013, 11:40:43:694, 8292, 9056, [Error],"CRESTHashStoreProxy::OpenNewSession/(ERRORLOGGER): Error Code = 20011; Error Message = Could not authenticate user.

WebService API = authenticateUser; "

05/23/2013, 11:40:43:696, 8292, 9056, [Error],"CRESTHashStoreServerProxy::AdminLogonToDedupeServer/(ERRORLOGGER): Error Code = 20011; Error Message = Could not authenticate user."

If I try to connetct to dedup server in http i get the mesage. 

StoreSmart Dedupe Server Status: (20159) Active. 

Any idea ?


Thanks Alessandro

  • Loggin in as DLO Admin user (the same used to run services) It Works. Please add this note into the DLO Admin Guide.





  • Provide appropriate SQL permissions such as sysadmin, db_owner to DLO administrator account.

    Ensure the SQL Server (Dedupe) service uses the DLO Admin account as the Mindtree StoreSmart service.

    The user which is being used to create the DeDupe storage should not be an administrator.

    Lastly add the domain user name to the DedupeDB user_info table. Run the following command:

    sqlcmd.exe -E -S.\<INSTANECENAME> -d DedupeDB -Q "insert into
    user_info values (5,'<DOMAINNAME\USERNAME>',NULL,1)"

  • Hi VJware, DLO admin account still have Syadmin and DB_owner permission, SQL server dedupe and Mindtree StoreSmart Service are running under the same administrative account as dlo administrator (backupenterprise). I've added backupenterprise (Admin) and deduplica account (not admin) under Security\users into the dedupedb database.

    The SQLCMD reports HResult 0xFFFFFFFF, Level 16, State 1
    SQL Server Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFF
    Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 : A network-related or in
    stance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server
    . Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and i
    f SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see
     SQL Server Books Online..
    Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 : Login timeout expired.

    The Authentication problem persist





  • Open cliconfg from start - run and enable named pipes & tcp/ip protocols. SQL service restart would be required for the changes to take effect.

  • The error message above complains about either the server name/instance name being incorrect or remote connections not allowed for SQL. Since you verify both are true, would recommend to open a support case.

  • The user name specified during installation (Admin User) only will be able to authenticate with dedupe server. Is this the same domain user used during installation?



    Please run the below query from the CMD prompt:

    Osql.exe -E -S ".\DEDUPE" -d "dedupedb" –q "select * from user_info" -o c:\result.txt


    Send us the Result.txt file and the domain\UserName of the machine where you are trying to launch admin console

  • Loggin in as DLO Admin user (the same used to run services) It Works. Please add this note into the DLO Admin Guide.



