Forum Discussion

hayes3002's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Moving domain user data folder to new domain and username data folder.

Moved server to new domain.

Computers are still connected with old domain and username Example Mg-mtmnwk moved to corp-mthompson

Computers connected with new domain username.

New domain data folder created.

How can I clean up and verify that all the older userdata and new user data is configured as it was and still bascked up without going throug each user infdividualy?  I have about 400 users.

8 Replies

  • ...did you perhaps read this?


  • Will that still work even if the username is changed to?

    Example xtnwk has an account in the A domain. The account is moved to the B domain as xtnwk.

    Then it is user account is renamed to xtera.

    A lot of  domain folders have checked in with new domain\old username already.


  • The above will work only if the username remains the same when moving from one domain to another.

    If the user names have changed, then they will have to start afresh i.e. by having new NUDF sub-folders for the new user names + these new user names should be added to the DLO console as well.

    However, certain versions of DLO has the -RenameUser switch. What's the version of DLO which you are using ?

  • This version should have the -RenameUser switch. The syntax would be:-

    DLOCommandu.exe –RenameUser –UF “<Path>\Users.txt”

    Users.txt is the text file containing the list of renamed users created on the DLO server using the format -

    OldUsername    NewUsername
    OldUsername    NewuserName

    So ideally, the Desktop Agents should be exited on every client machine, the renameuser command run and then the new users can login to the DLO client automatically.


    c:\>cd program files

    c:\Program Files>cd symantec DLO
    The system cannot find the path specified.

    c:\Program Files>cd symantecDLO
    The system cannot find the path specified.

    c:\Program Files>cd symantec

    c:\Program Files\Symantec>cd Symantecdlo
    The system cannot find the path specified.

    c:\Program Files\Symantec>cd SymantecDLO
    The system cannot find the path specified.

    c:\Program Files\Symantec>cd Symantec DLO

    c:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec DLO>
    c:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec DLO>DLOCommandu.exe -RenameUser"<Path>\Users.
    Usage: DLOCommandu [remote-server-options] command [command-options] [log-file-o

      where remote-server-options are
        -C <dbserver>       database server name for remote administration server
        -DB <dbname>        database name
        -DBInst <instance>  database instance name
        -N <user>           fully qualified user name, e.g. Enterprise\GFord, defaul
    t to current user
        -W <password>       user password if -n is specified

      where command is
        -AssignSL           assign a new storage location to users
        -ChangeProfile      change the profile assigned to user(s)
        -ChangeServer       switch user(s) to another media server
        -ChangeDB           connect DLO server to the specified database
        -DeletePendingUser  delete pending users
        -DisableNCOM        THIS COMMAND HAS BEEN DEPRECATED. Use the Connection Pol
    icy feature as described in the Administrator's Guide.
        -EmergencyRestore   restores user data using the recovery password
        -EnableUser         enable or disable user
        -InactiveAccounts   list or delete inactive accounts in N days
        -IOProfile          import/export profile
        -Keytest            scans network user data and tests encryption keys
        -LimitAdminTo       limit the administrator to the user (group)
        -ListMachines       Lists the DLOAgent machines
        -ListProfile        list profiles
        -ListReport         Lists all the available reports and their RDL file names

        -ListSL             list storage locations
        -ListUser           list users
        -MigrateDomain      Migrate a user to a new domain in trust
        -MigrateUser        migrate user across the admin servers
        -MigrateUserSL      migrate user NUDF to a new storage location
        -NotifyClients      send a notification to clients to pick up global setting
        -RenameDomain       renaming the Domain Name
        -RenameMS           facilitates renaming the Media Server computer
        -Report             Generates a specified report
        -SetRecoveryPwd     sets the recovery password
        -Update             list, add, remove, publish client updates
        -Help|-h|-? <cmd>   print command-specific help, e.g. -Help AssignSL

      where log-file-option is
        -LogFile            log file name, default to "\Logs\DLOCommand.log"

    Wildcard '*' match is permitted in profile, storage location and user names
    Quotations around name are required if name contains a space or colon

    c:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec DLO>

    The command seems to work but what do i need to do? How should I go about telling everone to logg off. There are some users that I haver moved their accounts aready.

    They are moving from mg\xtnwk

    Changing to corp\xterra.

    For example:

    If the corp\xterra  folder aready exist will it sill work?

    In some cases the corp\xtnwk may exist. We were not going to use dlo after the move but thern the decision was made to keep it for certain users not all.

    Thank you for any information and help you can provide.


  • Ideally, the new users should not have newly created NUDF folders. If they do, then they are considered as new users with the new NUDF folders and new backups will go there.

    The RenameUser works fine when the renamed user isn't present in DLO yet. Then this command does the necessary migration / update in the background.



  • So basically I am stuck doing this one by one. I am ok with that. Some of our users have had the client removed from their pc and may need ot relaoded anyway, Thank you for your help and suggestions.