Forum Discussion

Joe_DTT's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

SDLO 7.5 SP1 is not working with win8 or win 8.1

Dear All,

I got a strange error, after i have installed the Agent on my computer.

DLO says that the server name is not specified in the registry. I have checked it, and it is exist. I have installed the Agent as Administrator not with the my domain user account, i have attached the message is appeared when i start the Agent with my user account.

Is there any official solution for this problem?

Thank you.



9 Replies

  • Hi Craig,


    Thank you for the reponse.

    I have used the setup.exe when I installed the agent.

    I have checked the registry (HKLM), the DBServer and DBName keys are conatins correct information.

    I have uninstalled and then installed the Agent many times, but no success.


    Thank you.


  • Would you login to the computer using the account which will be eventually used for the backups and then enable verbose logging using this KB -

    Secondly, is UAC enabled ? If yes, does disabling it (which requires a system reboot) help ? Is the logged in user present in the DLO Administration console under the Users tab ?

  • Hi,

    I think i have found a possible solution for this issue, the last comment of this topic seems to be the solution:

    After i have modified the registry on my laptop according it, DLO starting to save the data.

    I would need an official solution for this issue, because i am not a develpoer, and no idea how could i update the registry for the actually logged on person. I have ca. 5000 users.


    Thank you.


  • Hi Joe,


    This issue has been offcialy resolved in DLO 7.6 version....





  • Hi Shyam,


    Thank you for your response.

    According to my latest info, the DLO 7.6 is in Beta version now. Am I right?

    I didn`t have any update from Symantec side, that DLO 7.6 is available.


    Thank you.




  • Hi Joe,

    Yes your right Beta program is over and for 7.6 release please contact PM for this...

