Forum Discussion

sdolbey's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

SQL Server Installation Failure: Rule "Setup account priveleges" failed.

I am trying to install a new installation of DLO 7.6 on a Windows 2008 R2 SP1 server. The domain setup account I'm using has all the neccessary priveleges (. Unfortunately I cannot install the SQL Server 2012 express packaged with DLO.


This is the required rights list:

Local Policy Object Display Name User Right
Backup files and directories SeBackupPrivilege
Debug Programs SeDebugPrivilege
Manage auditing and security log SeSecurityPrivilege


This is the actual user rights for the setup account.



Here is the error I receive.

Advanced Error.PNG


Please help as I'm pretty much stuck until i can figure this out.


Many Thanks,
