Forum Discussion

4 Replies

  • Typically, if an OS or version or edition isn't listed in the SCL, it usually means non tested and not supported.

    However, are your clients planning to install the DLO Admin Server or the NUDF on the Windows Storage server ?

    If it's the NUDF, it should be fine, however if its the DLO Admin Server itself, then its difficult to provide formal technical support as the environment would be un-supported.


  • Thanks for your reply VJware!

    They are planning to install the DLO Admin Server.

    So far, they will need to have in mind that its un-supported.

    Thanks once again!

  • May I know what OS they are using of storage server? Windows Storage servers are build for hardware partners for appliance purpose. For enterprises standard edition or enterprise edition is the perfered choice. Otherwise functionally storage servers and standard edition have no differance.

  • Hi Shashank_Mulay! Its a Windows Storage Server 2012 R2, Standard Edition...

    Best regards.