Forum Discussion

GuruPrasadNS's avatar
14 years ago

about discovery accelerator

hi, can somebody please help me with discovery accelerator. i need to extract all mail items, both sent and received, of one user who is enabled for journaling using the discovery accelerator. i need to export it to a pst. i am in very urgent for this. please help and do the needful. - rgds, guru.

  • Hey ya,

    You say this is urgent, that being the case and considering the errors you are seeing you should probably open a case with support so they may assist you.

    That said, I believe this may be the issue you are seeing:


    Event ID: 158 generated in the Windows Event Viewer log every 10 minutes


    APP AS - Customer ID: -1 - Error in customers synchronising thread. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.


    When the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service (EVAMS) starts to allow Enterprise Vault (EV) Compliance Accelerator (CA) or Discovery Accelerator (DA) to process, a communications channel is established between the SQL Server containing the CA or DA databases and the CA or DA server.  When this communications channel is unexpectedly broken, the error above is thrown into the Enterprise Vault Event Log on the CA/DA server every 10 minutes for each Customer that is currently running.

    Currently, three options exist for resolving this issue.  The solutions below are listed in order of quickest to the most complex resolution.  Execute Solution 1 or 2 and monitor the system before executing Solution 3.

    Solution 1:
    1. Log onto the CA or DA server as the Vault Service Account (VSA)
    2. Open the Services application
    3. Select the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service
    4. Restart the EVAMS

    Solution 2:
    1. Log onto the CA or DA server as the VSA
    2. Open the Services application
    3. Select the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service
    4. Open the Properties of the EVAMS
    5. Click on the Log On tab.
    6. Type in the password for the Vault Service Account and confirm the password.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Restart the EVAMS

    Solution 3:
    1. Log onto the SQL Server as the Vault Service Account or an account with the SQL sysadmin role
    2. Open SQL Enterprise Manager for SQL Server 2000, or SQL Management Studio for SQL Server 2005
    3. Access the Server Login Properties > Database Access tab
    4. Grant the Vault Service Account explicit access to all Enterprise Vault and Accelerator databases
    5. Close SQL Enterprise Manager / SQL Management Studio
    6. Log onto the CA or DA server as the VSA
    7. Open the Services application
    8. Select and restart the EVAMS

6 Replies

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  • Hello guru,

    Which version?

    If pre-8, you need to login to http://da-server/evbadiscovery with vsa, create a case, define the search criteria (ie the emailadres), run the search. When the search is complete, you can export the results to a pst.

    if on 8, use the da-client, create case, setup search-criteria etc.

    If it is indeed urgent, you should better call support

  • it is ev2007 with sp5. and as said i hav followed the help within the DA webconsole and created case, set the search criteria and still search is going on even for the smallest period and only one user selected. meanwhile in the DA server application event log i found the following event details logging;

    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: Accelerator Service Processor
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 158
    Date:  9/28/2010
    Time:  6:28:22 PM
    User:  N/A
    Computer: "DA Hostname

    APP AT - Customer ID: 3 - Error in  customers synchronising thread. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Connect(ServerInfo serverInfo, SqlInternalConnectionTds connHandler, Boolean ignoreSniOpenTimeout, Int64 timerExpire, Boolean encrypt, Boolean trustServerCert, Boolean integratedSecurity, SqlConnection owningObject)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.AttemptOneLogin(ServerInfo serverInfo, String newPassword, Boolean ignoreSniOpenTimeout, Int64 timerExpire, SqlConnection owningObject)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.LoginNoFailover(String host, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance, SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Int64 timerStart)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean redirectedUserInstance)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection)
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnectionOptions options)
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.CreateObject(DbConnection owningObject)
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.UserCreateRequest(DbConnection owningObject)
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject)
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)
       at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()
       at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
       at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataTable[] dataTables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
       at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataTable dataTable)
       at KVS.Accelerator.Configuration.Customer.GetCustomerDS(Int32 CustomerID, String VirtualDirectory, String Version, Int32 ServerID, CustomerState State)
       at KVS.Accelerator.Configuration.Customer.GetCustomerDS(Int32 CustomerID)
       at KVS.Accelerator.Common.TasksModuleInfo.DoUpdateCustomer()
       at KVS.Accelerator.Common.TasksModuleInfo.UpdateCustomer()

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
  • Hey ya,

    You say this is urgent, that being the case and considering the errors you are seeing you should probably open a case with support so they may assist you.

    That said, I believe this may be the issue you are seeing:


    Event ID: 158 generated in the Windows Event Viewer log every 10 minutes


    APP AS - Customer ID: -1 - Error in customers synchronising thread. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.


    When the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service (EVAMS) starts to allow Enterprise Vault (EV) Compliance Accelerator (CA) or Discovery Accelerator (DA) to process, a communications channel is established between the SQL Server containing the CA or DA databases and the CA or DA server.  When this communications channel is unexpectedly broken, the error above is thrown into the Enterprise Vault Event Log on the CA/DA server every 10 minutes for each Customer that is currently running.

    Currently, three options exist for resolving this issue.  The solutions below are listed in order of quickest to the most complex resolution.  Execute Solution 1 or 2 and monitor the system before executing Solution 3.

    Solution 1:
    1. Log onto the CA or DA server as the Vault Service Account (VSA)
    2. Open the Services application
    3. Select the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service
    4. Restart the EVAMS

    Solution 2:
    1. Log onto the CA or DA server as the VSA
    2. Open the Services application
    3. Select the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service
    4. Open the Properties of the EVAMS
    5. Click on the Log On tab.
    6. Type in the password for the Vault Service Account and confirm the password.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Restart the EVAMS

    Solution 3:
    1. Log onto the SQL Server as the Vault Service Account or an account with the SQL sysadmin role
    2. Open SQL Enterprise Manager for SQL Server 2000, or SQL Management Studio for SQL Server 2005
    3. Access the Server Login Properties > Database Access tab
    4. Grant the Vault Service Account explicit access to all Enterprise Vault and Accelerator databases
    5. Close SQL Enterprise Manager / SQL Management Studio
    6. Log onto the CA or DA server as the VSA
    7. Open the Services application
    8. Select and restart the EVAMS

  • Thanks tony. got through it and now i have completed search and accepted it also. now it is showing "The search results have been manually accepted and added to the review set" but i am not finding where is the option to export is least to see what all has been searched. - rgds, guru.

  • Hey, got it. just reviewing what is relevant and not. will keep you posted about next results. thanks a lot for all the help. - rgds, guru.